
Is there anything more!!?!! (twilight)?

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ok, so after i read the the most wonderful book in the world (twilight) i began to think about life. and so after i was wanting more, more thrill. i just want to know that there is more to then this then we all think. i just want to see mermaids, fairys, REAL magic, werewoles and of course vampires!! please someone tell me that there is, tell me stories, and no haunted ghost c**p please. please please please im desprate!!!! there just has to be more




  1. No mermaids darling..

    magic? seems that there is but i dont believe in that c**p..

    werewolves? no hun, just therians.

    and vampires, of course! but not the inmortal Hollywood type...more realistic, and mortal ;)

  2. theres actually another book coming out this weekend...

    and i dont think there is much more than ghosts and spirits. sorry to say.

    theres no evidence for vampires, fairies, werewolves, or things like that to exist.

    you aer only what 12? so just use your imagination instead of trying to find the unexisting:)

    have fun readying the twilight series.

  3. there's magic and fairies but seriously, sorry girl there's no vampires. It was already proven a long time ago that vampires have never existed.

    Vampires today are just pretenders. Magic is simply manipulating energy so it does what you want.

  4. yes, there is more to twilight,

    there's the sequel Eclipse,

  5. All these things do exist and more.

  6. You're basing all this off of a fictional book? Wow.

    As for wanting to see mermaids, fairies, etc. What makes you think they'll be like they appear in the book? That's like me reading a book about talking cats and assuming they'll talk in real life.

    A mermaid would probably look nothing like the Little Mermaid-itized version. They would probably look more like they do in Harry Potter. Not to mention that they would probably be meat eaters of some sort and very well be dangerous.

    Fairies? Go to Ireland. But again, they won't be ANYTHING like Tinkerbell. In fact, most are very mischevous/dangerous and it's highly unlikely to see them anyways.

    Werewolves & vampires? Based off their reputation, I'd advise not seeking them out. A werewolf is not a domestic dog, just like a wolf, except even more dangerous. As for vampires, I know psi vampires and stuff like that is real, but as for the ever-immortal beauty of the night? Highly unlikely. Even if they were it would be foolish to seek them out. It'd be like a mouse walking up to a cat and expecting the cat NOT to make a meal out of them. Vampires obviously feed off of humans. And if your plan was to seek out 'vegetarian' vampires and ask them to turn you-that's just as stupid.

    With magic, you're not going to find and 'Harry Potter' stuff. However there is Paganism and that is a form of witchcraft. Try studying it.

    I'm not saying there's not more out there. You just have to know a little bit more than what you've read in a fictional book before you go off pursuing those kind of things.

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