
Is there anything over the counter that would compare to oxytocin to induce labor?

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Is there anything over the counter that would compare to oxytocin to induce labor?




  1. No. Relax. Let nature take its course. God bless.

  2. Do not trust anyone's medical advise on something like this.  Please do not try to induce your labor, if that's what you are thinking about doing.

  3. just wait because it's bad to induce your own labor. do exercises walking, etc and when it is time, the baby will come.  

  4. So you want your baby to come now!!  There are several old wives tales, Castor Oil ( it is nasty and will make you p**p) A ghost ride in a car with bad shocks, or you may just have to wait til baby wants you to see him/her!  Good Luck!

  5. Self induction will not work unless your body is ready to go in to labor, which it can't be, as you would be in labor by now. The most you will do is give yourself some strong and very uncomfortable  braxton hicks

  6. No but if you are trying to induce your own labor, try safe methods, exercises, like walking for a period of time.  But your best bet is to let nature take its course or seek the advice of doctor.  

  7. okay if you are preggo you should NOT take oxycotin.

    Do you mean petocin?  

    And no, if you want to speed up the process try s*x and walking!

  8. castor oil

  9. Natural oxytocin will be the best to induce labor, but there are many natural herbs that can induce labor. Be very careful when taking these though. If your body is not ready for labor it can cause complications that will put both you and baby at risk.

  10. OMG!!! Why would you want to take a drug when your pregnant a duh you do have a baby inside of you. If your that tired  and want to speed up the process consult an doctor they should be who you are talking to.

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