
Is there anything so dorky about homeschooling?

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s it true people really think homeschoolers are nerds, or are they really jealous inside? i dont understand why if the answer is yes there are just as many weird public schoolers in this world as there are homeschoolers..what's so dumb about not having to go somewhere else to do your school every day. and you can to school outside or wherever you wasting your time with bratty kids etc. you can go to the bathroom whenever you i missing something?

in case you were wondering yes i'm homeschooled..and some people make crack jokes about me being homeschooled even though

i have TONS of friends

i'm always busy hanging with people

i'm outgoing and talkative

i do gymnastics, soccer, go to 3 different camps i do everything a normal public schooler would do! except get involved in pointless drama and have to wake up at 5 in the mornign...sounds like a fine life to me!

i also think the maturity of homeschoolers is WAY higher than public schoolers..seconds?




  1. Actually nothing dorky about it, most people just don't understand.  Those that I've met that have been homeschooled are pretty sharp.  You may want to lighten up a bit and learn to throw back some banter.  It's just the way it is.

  2. I have thought about home schooling my children. I don't think there is anything wrong with it other then most don't have much of a social life because they hardly ever go anywhere. I see with you that is different and that is good. Don't worry about what others think because most are just jealous they are not as smart as you, or have the privilege of not having to go to school like you do.  I have not met a home schooled child that was not as smart as other children or smarter. My children are home bound and have learned more then if they were in school and don't have the stress like other kids. I know it is not the same but it is close.

  3. I think homeschooling is good for kids. It gets them out of the horribly corrupting and dangerous environment of public school. They can focus more because they are on a one to one basis with their teacher and they learn to be disciplined. I agree with you just ignore peoples stupid comments

  4. I am a homeschool mom who majored in Secondary Education, but instead of teaching in a public institution, I chose to homeschool. I think that the general public is very uninformed about homeschooling today, and still relies on the old stereotype of the "shy unsocialized hermetic homeschooler" who never leaves their home and has no friends. It is so inaccurate. My kids are very social and anything but shy! We live in a suburb of Kansas City, and there are hundreds, maybe thousands of other Hschoolers in our small area. Nationwide, there are millions of us. We are active members of several local groups for homeschool famlies, and we take part in at least one social activity every day, outside of our home. Activities are set up and organized by moms through yahoo email loops. Our local homeschool groups offers the following activities to name a small few; Girl and Boy Scout troops, 4H, campfire, bowling, gymnastics, swimming, horseback riding, art, choir, and gym classes, holiday parties, book clubs, a 2 hour long recess time every week, plus park days, field trips, picnics and academic fairs. These are just a few of the many things we do while everyone else is in school). When we are not doing our lessons, we are always on the go, and it is ironic that we call ourselves homeschoolers since we spend so much time away from home! Homeschoolers have the advantage of one on one personalized attention educationally, and we also dont have to waste a lot of time on discipline, paperwork, and busywork. We can get our lessons done in a couple hours each morning, and then get on with enjoying our hobbies and friends. We also have the advantage of making closer more meaningful friendships because our kids have the time for more playdates and outings, instead of sitting, bored and institutionalized behind a desk all day. I find it ridiculous that public schools are thought of as a great place to socialize! How can kids socialize when they have to sit silently and listen for 8 hours a day?? Homeschoolers have the time to learn at their own pace, to spend time with friends, and just be kids, without the pressures and negative influences of public school. Homeschool kids are not hermits and they are not freaky nerds. They are just really lucky kids who get to enjoy life and learning every day. No child is left behind in a homeschool, and socialization is the best reason to homeschool. Public school creates a harsh artificial society where children are raised by their peers. Homeschoolers live and learn in the real world. For more info, read the book; "The Well adjusted Child; The Social Benefits of Homeschooling", by Rachel Gathercole,

    or Dumbing Us Down; The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, by John Taylor Gatto

  5. Well firstly, this so called "Girl the world forgot" is a moron... because she thinks she is better than others and is horrible at hiding this. Not all public school kids become druggies. I hope your mother filled your head with that trash and you didnt come up with it on your own, because you might have an excuse at that rate.

    There are pros and cons to both public school and home schooling. Some are more case specific. Some children have special needs or medical needs or allergies, and there are tons of justifiable reasons to stay at home. Likewise, the idiot the world should have forgot so well proves my point, that homeschooled kids have no idea how to act in certain cases. Sometimes they get a big head and they think they are golden and better than others because they dont get their *** out of bed for school. Public school teaches you a lot. You stick with the same routine through university, so I dont see why you would want to let your kid become lax and not establish a routine that is inevitable. You cant go to college and live the college life if you cant get out of bed for school in the morning. Mommy wont be there to wake you up, or make sure you have your books, or lecture to you.

    I think a lot of c**p goes on in the public school system.. and I would consider sending my child to a private school, but never homeschool them. I think it becomes a challenge to be well rounded, and be REALISTIC when your child cant experience the school surrounding and all it entails. I really think in the long run, they would miss out on learning independance-- and that is not arguable. Simply put, a child learns things on their own and learns how to basically survive the public at an early age.

    But people will have their opinions. I hope youre not begging for attention because youre homeschooled. Youre not that special. Not any more special than the good kids down the street with their lockers and change out PE classes. Not at all.

    If you really need information, look up stats.

    But to answer your first question, I dont think there is anything nerdy or dorky about homeschooling. I have friends that were homeschooled and they turned out alright... But again, even they will tell you that public school has pros that homeschooling will never be able to compare to.

  6. I am homeschooled .It's SO much fun.

  7. I agree that homeschoolers are probably more mature than most public schoolers....

    However I disagree with homeschooling....


  8. It is true that a lot of people think homeschoolers are weird, nerds, etc. Some might be jealous; others do it because they are simply closed-minded.

  9. well it is safer especially now with crazy kids and moms and dads that are too busy to watch them.. But the only draw back i could see would be social life but if you go to church they do alot of youth group things that would fulfill that part of life..I think it would al most be better, then public school

  10. Why do you keep posting this question?

  11. if you need to ask 3x, then yes - you are a dork.

  12. lol This is true.. I homeschool too.. and never got why people acted that way towards it..? and I have heard of way more homeschoolers graduating several years before the average age of 18..

  13. <<<<<<<<Homeschooled. I won't become a druggie: ) And anyone who has some problem with being homeschooled, I tell them to **** off. Their kids can rot away in public school. And their children can become drug addicts, for all I care.  The world needs more homeschoolers cause I feel like I'm the only one sometimes. Strangers will mention something about school to me and I'll be like I'm homeschooled..and they look at me all weird. They assume all children go to public school!!! The socialization thing, one day all the public schoolers will get out into the real world and they won't see the same people in the same place every single day. We get to meet people of diffrent ages in diffrent places. Plus, in my homeschool, I get several school books a week,each time you do 12 books in one subject, you get a credit. 22 credits and you can graduate as early as you want to. So plenty of 15-year-olds graduate where I come from. The kids in public school have to wait all the way till 17 or 18- ha! LOL.

  14. Not at all nerds. Our kids have many friends but they are very educated. People put up the argument that home school kids lack friends. If that is entirely true in any way than public school kids must truly lack a proper education.

    Think about it.

    What do public school kids always talk about? Who was at the party last week. What the girl down the street is doing. Who is s******g who. Who has the best car, IPhone, IPod, and MP3 system. Who is dating who and which guy is the cutest.

    How many public school kids talk about the education system. They don't! It's always about friends and what people are doing.

    Ask a public school kid what the Volstead Act was. Or when was penicillin invented. Or who was Dr. Charles Drew.

    Many won't be able to answer them.

  15. im thankful for the fact my sister gets homeschooled she is far from a nerd but of course kids have to find someone to bully so she use to hear lots of rude things or that she was a drop out and all that. shes smarter than any 14 yr old that goes to public school im sure. she doesnt have to deal with drama or bullys either the teachers or other kids everyday she doesnt stress out over a test anymore because its at home and knows she wont be emberassed. i think homeschooling is a wonderful thing! kudos to you and good luck to you .  and yes id say homeschooled children are not nearly as childish and snotty as public school children . there are no clicks or certain groups with being homeschooled and i love that fact

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