
Is there anything special about the "Virgin Blood" in christianity or in the holy bible?

by Guest63998  |  earlier

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Is there anything special about the "Virgin Blood" in christianity or in the holy bible?




  1. its special because means that the person was pure and

    wasnt "filthy" or not penetrated by the world.. and that you are

    clean like the story of mary and joseph. Mary was a woman that was pure & worthy in the sight of God  

  2. What do you mean by Virgin Blood?  Do you mean Virgin Birth?  There is nothing unique about it, if that's what you mean.  The concept was so prolific among the ancient pagan religions that it was impossible to be considered a god without being born of a virgin in Jesus' time.  

  3. it is the concept of clean vs. unclean which is throughout the bible.

  4. virgin blood is more prevalent with Satanists. It means nothing. Also, any reference to Christ or the the Bible always begins with a capitol letter.  

  5. If you mean by virgin blood pertaining to the virgin Mary then no it has no significance in regards to salvation or anything else.  If you mean the blood of Jesus Christ then yes it is special because without it, there can be no remission of sins.

  6. It most likely is without STD's?

  7. Not really.  There *may* have been some reference to the OT animal sacrifices being virgin as they were supposed to be healthy animals (not ones that they wanted to get rid of anyway).

    But other than that, no.

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