
Is there anything strange in a US Senator earning $169K also collects $23K from Social Security Retirement?

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I thought there was a limit on how much you can earn while on SSR.




  1. What I find REALLY strange is that they can also vote to give themselves raises..... must be nice!

  2. Not surprising. McCain is a conservative anti-government type who has been drawing a paycheck from the Federal government for over 50 years.

  3. Lets send the Senators name to the Justice Dept. and see if they selectively enforce the law of the land! Who is the Senator in question?

  4. He gets SS disablity welfare.

  5. Federal employees don't use the same social security system you use.  I thought you knew that.

  6. Heck, is it an stranger than an athlete earning Millions to play a sport.....Most make more than the President and he runs the entire Country..and they just play a game, shouldn't there be a cap on how much a professional athlete can earn too, I'm all for it especially since we are in a recession..

  7. If you retire early, before 65, the Social Security Administration will take $1 of you SS check for each $2 you earn.  After 65 you may have unlimited earnings and still collect full benefits.  What is interesting is that while you are collecting you are paying more into the system.  In effect making your own SS payment.  Many people are now in this situation. Paying in and getting out at the same time.

  8. Yes, especially when that senator says Social Security is a disgrace, wants to privatize it and says you should not mean test it as Obama wants to do.

    Rich people never have enough money.McSame and his wife are worth millions own 5 homes ,airplane and still need that $1900 a month

  9. it is strange that you ask this question,it is his fkng $$$$ !

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