
Is there anything such as Worldwide Antitrust law?

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I realize there are antitrust laws in individual countries, especially in the US. But we are One World now right? So what prevents a company from becoming a One World Monopoly that cannot be regulated?




  1. Wrong, we are not one world.

    How does a company operate all over the world without operating in any countries?  If they are operating in countries, then they are subject to the laws of those countries in which they operate.  Laws on competition and anti-trust vary from country to country.  Look at the trouble Microsoft has trying to comply with US laws and then getting pulled into court in Europe.

  2. Answer is no.

    Who says we are one world? When did that happen? Just because communications have gotten better, it does not mean we are one world. I really do not think the one world thing will ever happen.

    I mean look at the UN. It is one thing to be part of the United Nations, another to let yourself be a slave to one nation.

    Good Luck on your search for Utopia.

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