
Is there anything that can be done to get more young people to vote?

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Its so sad. All of my friends are in their 20's and 30's, and most do not vote. Yet all of them complain about the state of the country, and the problems with our leaders.




  1. no. because most are to stupid, not ignorant, to vote. their lives are faint whispers of high school and college and their focus is on their peers and circle of friends. they have no time to learn about clinton or romney because they are either flashing their t-ts or chugging beers on you tube. the lamest generation.

  2. I've got some bad news for you: that whole get out and vote thing is just a marketing ploy. What difference do you think voting will do? All you can vote for is Republican or Democrat, and you'll get something pretty similar no matter who is elected. Nothing will change. The only votes that matter are city-wide ordnances since you can actually make a difference there. People say that you don't have a right to complain if you didn't vote, I say thats c**p. I don't vote because there's no point -> that's the problem!

    With a limited selection of candidates and nobody supporting my views and incapable of running for office myself I have no option but to discard my option to vote and voice my opinion independantly.

  3. You have to find a way to make it personal to them.

  4. What for?

    If voting could change anything it would be illegal

  5. Pass a law that says that everyone who does not cast a ballot to vote will not get a $100.00 discount on their yearly income tax returns.

    You got to start a petition so everyone can participate.

  6. Many people don't vote because they believe their vote will make no difference. ie one lot is as bad as another.

    A direct democracy approach could affect change, even within the established systems that exist in so-called democracies.

    A few months ago a Downing Street petition received around 2 million signatures, yet could safely be ignored, as 2million is a small minority among 60 million.

    If however, a few tens of thousands in any constituency were to record their views, it might constitute a majority in that constituency and the people could reasonably demand that their representative argue and vote in accordance with said majority opinion.

    Their opinions could count, on every issue.

    An exercise in this sort of direct democracy is being tried at, where you can also find some really good articles.

  7. When they complain, tell them, "Then DO something, stop talking about it and get into action! You can only complain if you try and fail."

    You can always make adds.

  8. They're mostly selfish and irresponsible (except for you, of course).

    However, most of them would probably vote for some rotten liberals if they did vote, so maybe it's not a bad thing.

    They'ed also probably vote for every "g*y is okay" issue on the ballot, so again, perhaps they're better off staying at home.

  9. Awareness is something every individual must learn. Some learn it earlier than others, some never learn it at all. Those who do learn it are made sensitive to their place in society and choose to make a difference where they can. Helping others develop that awareness is a noble cause, but finding the motivators is not easy. It takes political awareness to drive an individual to the poles. If something impacts a persons life in a big way, you can rest assured they are going to take notice. The small issues that seem out of the way to many people are often what lose  their interest. A horse is not going to drink if it's not thirsty. You know the old adage that says, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em drink."

    I find myself asking people, "Why do you complain when you don't do your part." People want their personal rights, but they don't want to extend themselves anymore than they have to. The solution is in helping them understand that they have no reason to complain about the laws of the land if they have not participated in making them. Even if participation only means voting.

  10. Change the law back to 21 same as drinking

  11. Market the h**l out of it. Perhaps if it was Advertised on or it would get more recognition.

  12. Start with seniors in high school. We are very passionate, and want to make a difference. By the time we get older, we lose interest and are dissillusioned.

    Of course, the moment they get rid of the electoral college is the moment I'll begin voting. I think I'll get off topic if I start on that.

  13. we just had an election in Australia and if your over 18 its compulsory or you will get fined

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