
Is there anything that can be put on furniture that will make cats stay off of it?

by  |  earlier

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... like a spray, maybe?




  1. Yes,  Bozema is right. I heard about the aluminum foil, the cats seem to hate the shine and feel of it.

  2. I saw these plastic square things in a pet store once to keep pets off the couch.. they were large plastic squares (to cover nearly all of the couch cushion) with small sharp points.. if the animal were to jump on the furniture they would feel a small poke, and not want to jump up there, or lay down anymore... of course you can move them when you want to sit there.  

  3. Aluminum foil works for some cats.  I got something like this when the cat wouldn't stay off my husband's motorcycle seat (better than a divorce).  I know of no sprays that will do it.

  4. I had hopes using a X-mat, which is a plastic mat with little prongs, but my cats seem to lie on it.  But what I have found really works well is in the first link I have posted.  Stepping on it sets of a smoke detector type alarm, and they don't try it twice.  When you are using the sofa, you turn off the switch, and move it.  The sofa scram only comes in one size, but something that is similar comes in different sizes, and I have posted it as the second link.

  5. You can buy cat NO!  It works.  I also used bubblewrap - cats don't like the feeling or the popping sounds.

  6. ...go to Foster and smith's web site and they have pads that you lay on whatever and it buzzes or vibrates and the cats are scared of it.

    You might take some orange cleaner and put it in a container that is low and put it on the table to see what the cat does.  

    (while you are there so you can watch.)  

  7. They make sprays but I don't think any of them work. I know of no way to keep a cat off of furniture at least when you are not around. You can try double sided tape or buy the plastic runners with the knobby side and put them knobby side up. We went so far as to set mousetraps, upside down with newspaper over them to keep cats off the kitchen counter and stove. Worked on one but one would stay on the counter and snap them on purpose. They do make electric static shock pads to put on surfaces but I never tried them.

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