
Is there anything that can be taken for depression?

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I take Zoloft and it works but i was wondering of there is anything that is more natrual that i could take to help




  1. St. John's Wort is pretty effective over time.  Omega3 is very good as well.  In addition to taking the Wort 3x a day 300 mg at a pop, and the Omega3 as directed on the bottle, doing work on what caused the depression in the first place will provide results.

  2. I have had excellent improvement by exercising regularly and doing Yoga. Find a CD that you really like and do yoga to it (or take some classes) then whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, play the CD and that same sense of well-being that you get from Yoga will come over you.

    You've also got to try and stop your cycle of thinking. When you notice yourself being negative, stop - realize that you wouldn't speak to your friends or family that way, thus you should not talk to yourself so poorly.

    Venting to a journal may also help you clear your mind.

    Watch a comedy!

    Start thinking of things for which you are grateful.

    I also stopped drinking soda (for the most part) and instead drink lots of green tea with lemon or black tea with spearmint.

    Best wishes.

  3. You can't take any natural product if you're taking drugs.  There will be unhealthy interactions.

    Sam-e, Saint John's Wort, 5HTP, etc. are some supplements.

    You might consider getting to the cause of your issues by taking a look at the Mood Cure. It has other supplements and natural cures.

  4. I challenge people who say they are depressed because it's such a blanket word. Don't get me wrong but some people actually have chemical imbalances but I don't believe that those imbalances are as prevelant as the word "depression" is claiming.

    You know if you're not doing what makes you happiest then you get sad, frustrated, stressed?

    Also, if you don't eat enough carbs then the body can get run down and carbs have a great way of raising seratonin levels (happy chemical in the brain)

    Also, if you're deficient in vitamins that can cause physical sadness, fatigue etc.

    So the challenge is to see if you doing what makes you happiest and if you're not then I suggest you get on it right away.

    Better yet, are you where you want to be in life? Or are you actually depressed? You know, chemically imbalanced?

    In the meantime SamE works really well for mild to moderate depression support.

    Don't mean to preach but it's really important to persue your dreams!

  5. St. John's Wort, B-12, Choline and running.

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