
Is there anything that helps,get rid of gallstones until i have treatment?

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try peppermint tea,but there has to be something potent out there that get rid of or improve my health because i am having so much problems




  1. Untreated symptomatic gallstones can lead to gallbladder perforation and much bigger problems later.  Standard treatment is surgery or laparoscopic removal of the GB.  But if nonsymptomatic and you are just waiting for proper timing (or for any reason you might be delaying the procedure), ask your doctor about Rowachol and ursodeoxycholic acid caps, to help in the dissolution of stones.  Don't have high hopes  though, these are temporary measures and you still have to undergo procedures due to  stone recurrences.

  2. I have a cleanse recipe you can do. I did it and passed all of my gall stones with no difficulty. The cleanse is relatively simple and cheep and works extremely well, if you do the cleans you won't have to have surgery to remove your gall bladder. I will gladly e-mail you the cleans if you ask me for it.

  3. all is i did was stick to the low fat diet anything with less than 3% fat and i only ever had 2 flare ups in 12 months im going in for the key hole surgery on wednesday and im scared to death but at least il know that there will be no worry of being woken with that terrible pain

  4. Parsley tea works wonders. Just take fresh parsley, pour a cup of boiling water over it, cover and let stand until it's cool enough to drink. This is very safe, but you need to drink copious amounts. It WILL get rid of the gallstones though. Other herbs like barberry, celandine, fringe tree bark, arigomy, cleavers, and red raspberry are also very helpful.

  5. There are some naturopathic remedies involving fasts restricting your diet to apple juice and olive oil.

    There are methods which have to be followed carefully. I have no idea how much / how / for how long etc..

    If you do choose this track ensure you get a decent consultation from a professional who has used this method on patients and can give you decent advice and care if anything goes wrong. Anecdote from the Internet like "my gallbladder h**l' can be very misleading.

    There should be some decent naturopathic websites with credible information but I would only use this as an info source not a substitute for a consultation.

    If you do choose to follow this method be very careful.

    Our lecturer at uni who was a staunch naturopath advised it should be done with great caution as stones don't always fully dissolve and instead partially dissolve and get stuck in the bile tract. This can result in you needing emergency surgery to remove your gall bladder.

    Unless there is a waiting list and you want to jump the queue there is very little point in going down this track if it goes wrong.

  6. My mum actually did the gall stone cleanse, see website from Dani H above.  It totally worked for her, but she stuck to it religiously and she does liver cleanses once a year too.  She passed some stones and in general felt so much better afterwards.  Good luck

  7. There is something called a gallstone cleanse but it is a little yucky.  Some people swear by it.  I tried it once but it was too much for me.  Here is a link with some pictures and some explanations.

    Good luck!

  8. I have heard apple juice is very good.  Apparently it is the pectin which helps flush them.

    I have had the operation to remove my gallbladder and am glad i had it.  I originally put it off and now wonder why.

  9. You must change your diet because removing the gallbladder means you are just removing something that is bothering you.  After the gallbladder is removed, if you don't change your diet, you will end up with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

    Avoid all dairy products.  If you have "fats" in your diet, make it healthy fats from nuts and nut butters.  Avoid refined foods, basically the more processed the food, the worse it is for you.  Stop drinking carbonated beverages.  Get on a good vitamin supplement.  Add magnesium to your diet in the form of bananas, white potatoes (french fries dont count), nuts.  Black Cherry Juice will help to dissolve and break down the stones as will hot lemon water.  (Lemon water is cheaper).  Add 1 squeezed lemon to 8oz of hot water and sip over 15 minutes.  Do this 6 times during the day.  Exercise so your body has something to do with the extra cholesterol that you have ingested.

  10. have you tried drinking boiled sambong leaves? if unavailable, there is available in pharmacy in table's herbal, so no therapeutic claims.1 tablet 3 times a day

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