
Is there anything that in the bible that states shes wrong for not letting us be together?

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Me and my boyfriend have been together going on two yrs.were in highschool.well his family doesnt like me,and theres one cousin that will do anything to keep us apart.well the other day we got into an arguement that she started,when didnt even know what was going on to get to the point.and according to his family they have no faults.And his mother made us brake-up and doesnt even want us to talk.but hers the thing.we love eachother.we've changed eachother for the better and he has never disrespected me.were not the perfect couple but we always fix things the right way.we really want to make it and we want to be together.everynight i call private to his cell and we talk.we want to be together dispite her wishes but he doesnt want to get her even more mad.shes really into the bible and trys to get after me using what is stated in the bible.i want to know,what should we do? and is there anything in bible that states shes wrong for keeping us apart knowing how we feel....? plz dnt leave rude comments.thank you..




  1. I think there's something about not doing something to your neighbor that you wouldn't want to be done to you...

  2. In the Bible, there's a verse that states "What God brings together, let no man separate". First, you have to know if this relationship was within God's divine plan for your life. He may have this guy in mind or it may be some other man that God chooses for you. You have to let God choose for you. Or it could be that God has him in His divine plan for you but these people are giving you a hard time. If he is the man God has for you, then let no man (or woman) separate you and him. They will try but don't give in to having you separate from each other. My sister-in-law is going through a divorce and she prayed to God that her husband (who cheated on her with her best friend) can have a change a heart and she kept saying what God joined together, let no man separate. She believed that God joined them together so they shouldn't separate, which is true, but in the verse, it says let no man separate. Her husband choose to allow this "best" friend to separate his marriage, it was his choice. So if you and him love each other much and God has it in His plan for you guys to be together, then don't let his family members separate you guys. And if you're not sure if he's the man God has for you, then ask God and He will answer you. God bless.  

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