
Is there anything that kills weeds but wont harm the environment?

by Guest67245  |  earlier

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My apartment has gravel parking and where my car parks there are a lot of weeds growing. I thougt about having my landlord come and take care of the problem but his sollution is to mow over it and they grow back in less than a week. I want something that is not going to leave a mark on the environment, yet will help this weed problem. It's getting so I can't see my car!




  1. Rock Salt


    Vinegar Weed Killer Recipe

    • 120 mls (4 ounces) Lemon juice concentrate

    • 1 liter (1 quart) white or cider vinegar

    Spray bottle for applying organic weed killer Simply mix the two ingredients together in a spray bottle and you have your organic weed killer formula.

    Spot spray it directly on the weeds, being careful not to spray desirable plants. For the most effective result the best time to spray in during the heat of the day.

  2. Vinegar is a non-selective herbicide. They sell extra-strength vinegar at nurseries and some hardware stores.

  3. cut the weeds whith your own hands.

  4. try round up it will permanently kill weeds but in a couple of days its gone and u plant grass and eat it

  5. Pour boiling water on them from a height of three or four feet.  It should kill them.

  6. You could try using a flame weeder.  Boiling water works well as does vinegar. But I've found that vinegar works best if you put it in a syringe and inject it right at the spot where the stem is growing up from the ground.  

       Only use salt if you don't want anything to grow there ever again.  

       Once you get rid of the weeds, you might want to plant a ground cover there to keep the weeds from returning.

         Roundup has NOT been proven safe. While it might "break down" quickly, the products it breaks down into aren't all that great. And there are all sorts of hazards to the environment resulting from using roundup.  These are easily found by google "roundup hazards" + amphibians  (or fish or frogs or what ever you are intersted in... INCLUDING HUMANS).  The makers of herbicides would have everyone thinking they are safe so the MAKER can make MONEY.  Believe it or not, these companies PAY folks to come on forums like this to try to get more people to use herbicides! Its a full time job.

      You are to be commended on your stewardship of our earth. I hope more folks will figure out that we really need to tend our earth wisely!

       I have a page about weeds that you might find useful:

  7. fire works and it's good for the environment

  8. I've heard that if you pour boiling water on weeds it will kill them.

    It's easy enough to try.

  9. You should try vinegar. Put it on the weed, let it soak in. You need to give a couple tries. It will work, and it is cheap, and environmentally sfe. It also works good as a laundrey addative instead of fabric softener (no there is no smell) and a disinfectant in certain conditions. Good luck!

    check ou this link for more info!

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