
Is there anything that we can speculate on as to what was going on prior to "The Big Bang"? What was there?

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What was going on before the big bang?

Was there nothing?

How can there have been nothing?




  1. The Big Bang Theory:

    God spoke, and BANG, it happened!

  2. -Probably impossible to say, or test, what was going on before the big bang.

    Well, at some point, it makes sense that there was nothing. It does seem amazing that this all exploded out of nothing, but it had to of.

    I read this really informative article that helped shed light on this question (I was/still am wondering about the same stuff).

  3. The first three answers are pathetic. The Earth didn't form right after the big bang. It formed about 8 billion years after the big bang. If the Earth was created instantly after the universe's creation, we would be dealing with creationism, and this would be the wrong section.

    As for your question, we aren't quite sure. Some theories say that the universe is cyclical. It is created, then it dies, then it is instantly created again after it returns to singularity. But the cycle theory started to die down a couple years ago.

    This makes the most sense. If it was before the universe was created, there was nothing. And we can't even say it was "before" the universe's creation. Why? Because there was no *time* before the universe's creation. So the universe has been around since time was first created.

    So there was totally nothing. Nothing still exists in open space... but there was no space at all. There was absolutely nothing.

  4. It was physics beyond our current understanding. Space, time and matter were all folded up in themselves and flashed into existence at that moment.

  5. I have an analogy. Lets say the universe is a piece of origami paper folded into the shape of a crane. If I were to unfold and refold the paper into a turtle a smart observant person could figure out that the paper was once a crane by looking at the fold marks left behind on the turtles sides. This is the way we know what the past was like without being there; we use evidence (the fold marks) and come to reasonable conclusions. Now, lets say I unfold the turtle, crumple the paper, rip it up, burn it, turn the ashes into a new sheet of paper, and then refold the sheet into a new shape. No one no matter how smart or observant they are can now tell what the sheet had been previously folded into. This is like the Big Bang. The Big Bang was such an extreme event we have no idea what went on before it... if anything... if there WAS a before.

    Maybe you can study up, become a theoretical physicist, and solve this pickle yourself =)


  7. Well this is an easy answer

    We Don't No ,

    Religious people believe

    there was no big bang

    and god was the creator

    , but sometimes people

    believe in the big bang and

    the religious way as well ,

    It can not be pr oven until

    you die , please don't

    go out and kill your self

    to find out , its Fiat :D

    Thanks for the question ;)  

  8.   There was no time or space before the big bang,there was nothing.

      This nothing preceded an incident so it must have had a potential and the potential had to be finite.

    A nothing that follows an incident has no potential and is eternal.

  9. The trinity of God was there

  10. Because the Big Bang started with a singularity, there is no way to trace anything back past that point. There are speculations, some of them based on string theory or M-theory, but they are just mathematical curiosities, with no way to test them.

  11. Any answer to this question is Science Fiction. Nothing existed before the big bang. Even Time as we see did not exist.

    Similar is to speculate what exists outside the universe. We used to think that universe is infinite but we now know that it is finite but to speculate what exists outside is SciFi.  

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