
Is there anything that you can eat which will give the 'downstairs' a bit of a clean out?

by  |  earlier

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I've been eating crud for a while and tomorrow am on a regime of fresh whole foods and no beer for a month. there anything I can eat which will give the old pipes a bit of a clean?

I drink plenty of water anyway and don't want anything 'faddy' but is there anything that would have a kind of chim-chimeny effect?

I've tried to be reasonably tactful here.

Any advice please ?





  1. Easily done lad!

    Go to a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist what to use.  He/she are trained for YEARS on this stuff and can give you an up to date answer.

    Some of these things are really strong and to be avoided.  Get the expert to advise you on what's sensible to use on an occasional basis.

  2. Cruciferous veggies like cauliflower and broccoli - raw or cooked. Coleslaw, or fried cabbage with onions and garlic.

    Whole grain (not just whole wheat) breads and cereal.

    Fruit (not bananas).

    BTW, your question is very nicely worded...

  3. An easy solution is any sort of drink that de-toxes or cleanses the system. For example, a shot of wheatgrass (1-2 times a day) for a week is a nice easy cleanse. You can buy these at Jamba Juice or most health food stores.

    Also solutions of diluted chloropyll can usually be found at health food stores. They're usually mint-flavored and bright green. Depending on how toxic your system is, this can be a bit more intense though.

    To get the system moving in general, you can always go with the classics- fiber (don't add powders and stuff, simply eat whole wheat bread, try for 3 or more grams of fiber per serving) or prune juice.

    If you're trying to improve your diet, try cutting out all refined sugars (there are plenty of organic, unprocessed alternatives such as cane syrup, brown rice syrup, agave etc), caffeine, bleached flour, food preservatives, etc. Also you might want to look into getting a water filter for your tap. Do your research well and you will be very pleased with the results.

    I personally employ all of the things I've suggested. Have fun!

  4. I agree with another writer, go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist.  Drink lots of water.  Maybe you could use an e***a. Cranberry juice is also good for the bladder.  Afterwards eat nothing but fresh foods.  No canned goods or processed foods.  Eat lots of raw veggies and fruits.  Keep it simple.

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