
Is there anything that you dislike the most when it happens

by  |  earlier

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in the morning.

mine is when a slow (cowardly) driver is in front of me when I'm driving out from my area in the morning.




  1. pot pet pot pet of my teacher!!!!bising tol!!

  2. i hate when the alarm rings... i hate waking up....

  3. my car in problems...

  4. found out that i ironed unmatched shirts and pants.. then had to do all over again...

  5. yea mat rempit on my left side while I'm driving

  6. if my alarm didn't go off --- late

    traffic jams

  7. Hehe, yeah,, i just posted a question about that a few days ago, when my colleague drank my cofee and left my mug empty,,

    I got some nice ideas from yammers but my colleague dint fall for it the next day,,;...

    so i took his sandwich and put on my bosses table,, And my boss thought someone bought him breakfast,, he ate it hehe (1-1).

    But then,, dont let anything ruin your day,,perhaps the driver saved you from an accident that might have happened,, :)

  8. traffic jams!!

  9. People getting in my way anywhere. Whether it's in the house or on the roads. And being required to answer questions too early in the morning

  10. Late for kids' school, unable to get a parking spot. When I finally did, one of them informs me he/she left something behind. And I'd have to brave the traffic to & fro again to fetch whatever!

  11. ..waking up.....and listening to someone nagging...

  12. Currently? The haze ::argh!:: Overall those pesky motorcyclists who can't stick to their d**n lanes & furthermore obstructs your path while waiting at the traffic light junction=P

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