
Is there anything to do to improve my Crystal Beast Deck?Plz rate too.?

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Monsters- 20

Rainbow Dragon

Hamon Lord of Striking Thunder

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus-3

Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth-3

Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger-3

Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle-2

Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat-2

Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise-2

Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle-2

Rescue Cat

Spells- 16

Rare Value

Crystal Tree

Crystal Release

Ancient City Rainbow Ruins-2

Crystal Abundance-2

Crystal Beacon-3

Crystal Blessing-2

Crystal Promise-3

Hammer Shot

Traps- 4

Crystal Pair

Crystal Raigeki

Magic Cylinder

Negate Attack

I already know that I need Crystal Counter.




  1. This archtype is at a grave disadvantage in todays dueling world because it is not very fast. to help speed this deck up, I would suggest these changes


    crystal tree

    2 crystal promise

    hammer shot

    Hamon lord of blah blah blah

    1 amber mamoth

    1 topaz tiger

    1 cabalt eagle

    1 emerald tortise

    crystal pair

    crystal raigeki

    magic cylinder

    negate attack

    The deck does not actually need multiple copies of all the crystal beasts still use rainbow drag effectively. Also, negate attack and cylinder only negate attacks, while the beasts need more monster destruction. Hamon just works against the goal of the deck.


    3x lightning vortex

    3x hand destruction

    1x torrential tribute

    1x mirror force ( sakuretsu armor if you are on a budget)

    2x reckless greed

    1x sangan

    1x snipe hunter

    1x amethyst cat

    1x rescue cat

    This new version will have much more ability to draw cards and get to the cards you need fast. I also added lightning vortex and hand destruction to get your amethyst cats into the grave, so you can put them in the s/t zone with rescue cat. Also, the extra drawing abilities will help you get to the rainbow dragon and other crystal beasts quickly. And don't, worry, crystal beacon and sapphire pegasus will help you get them out as well.

    I run a deck very similar to this myself, and it runs beautifully even against some of the best decks around, even without multiple rare values.

    I know that the deck list doesn't look to promising, but if you try the deck, you will find that it works great. You can even add another rainbow dragon is you want.

    I hope i was of assistance.

    by the way, you don't need crystal counter ;p

  2. Monsters: 18

    2 Rainbow Dragon

    1 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder

    3 Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

    2 Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth

    2 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger

    2 Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle

    2 Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat

    2 Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise

    2 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

    Spells: 16

    3 Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

    3 Rare Value

    2 Crystal Abundance

    2 Crystal Beacon

    2 Crystal Blessing

    2 Crystal Promise

    2 Lightning Vortex

    Traps: 7

    3 Crystal Raigeki

    1 Crystal Counter

    1 Rainbow Path

    1 Rainbow Gravity

    1 Torrential Tribute

    Total: 41 cards

  3. I dont see alot of problems except everyone goes to the trouble of making rain bow dragon the main focus of the deck which is foolish if u ask me i have won games very quickly with just my crystal beasts and my Gravi Crush and Mqagna Slash Dragons i still do have a hamon as he rocks. My deck has a very good record if u would like the composition of it just add me to contacts.

  4. switch negate attack out for rainbow path. they do the same thing but rainbow path also lets you search for rainbow dragon! also, put in a last resort and take out one abundance. you really dont need any abundance to win, but 1 is good incase you need to fall back on it.

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