
Is there anything to post besides Palin's daughter?

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It sounds like the end of the world for the Repubicans and a big notch in the belt of the Democrats. Life will go on. We still have two more months of stuff to uncover and sling. Although it is a bit shocking, it still doesn't change my outlook for this election. Let's get back to the REAL issues, rather than name calling. Thanks.




  1. You bet, why bring up the white hating muslim socialist plant Obama and the caribou shootin' s*x at an early age Palin family when we can stick to more traditional get married then have adultery guys like McCain!

    Now, good, I've got that out of my system.

    Romney/Biden in '08!

  2. Hey, she suppose to be a christian!  And you republicans are so

    hype on your family values but now don't want to deal with this.

    I bet you talk about Bill Clinton though !!

  3. Apparently not. The more democrats attack Palin's daughter, the more desperate and pathetic they look. I guess there is not much you can attack Palin on.  

  4. What is this? Republicans want to talk issues now? When did this happen?

    Here's an issue: What do you think of McCain's strategy to get the backing of the religious right by choosing Palin as his running mate.

    I know that Republicans are fascinated with all things seedy and scandalous, but the ISSUE is McCain's judgment.

    Do you feel that a man that doesn't even bother to vet his VP choice, who throws a dart at a map and picks a stranger to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, has the judgment to be President himself?

  5. No there isn't.  Review the questions posted since the Palin announcement Friday, Democrats and the news media have been in shock and are deperate for some way to criticize Palin.

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