
Is there anything to stop sea sickness?

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\my wife can get motion sickness in the bath is there anything to help as we are going across the channel to Paris over the xmas break.




  1. I can recommend the accupressure bands sold by Boots.  They really work for sea sickness and also morning sickness.  I am like your wife and get queezy crossing a puddle, but these were brilliant.  Also if the sea is rough you can combine with medication like Quells or similar.

    Have a good trip!

  2. This might sound strange but if your going on a ferry,sit on a newspaper not a glossy mag a newspaper,it works wonders

  3. go by plane

  4. I had to rate two of your respondants with a good answer because they mentioned ginger, which I had forgotten about.  This is probably due to the fact that my Mum was lousy sailor and hated ginger!

    Motion sickness happens because the eyes can see the horizon of the boat but the balancing is done by the ears - therefore, the eyes are telling you that the horizon is still and the ears are telling you that the horizon is moving.  Ears do as much for balance as they do for listening!  So, if you can see a 'still' area and can focus on it with your eyes, the chances are that you will not suffer from sea sickness, because your eyes will relay to your brain (and therefore your ears) that although you are moving about, the horizon is still.  My mum used to insist on staying on deck - which may prove the point - because then she could see the horizon.

    It is an interesting point that many people who get car sick (still motion sickness) that drive will not become travel sick.  A driver will always be watching the outside of the car and the eye/ear syndrome works it all out.

    From a personal point of view, while I am a driver and do not get travel sick on boats, I still, while driving, feel nauseous in fog - and probably for the same reason, if I can't see the horizon then my eyes and ears aren't working together.

    Does your wife suffer from any other sort of motion sickness?  If not, could be that she just has a thing about travelling on the ferry.  My husband has that, too.  He doesn't swim (as if he would have a chance if the ferry went down!).  So I suspect for him that it is a nervous thing.

    I reckon that a couple of glasses of white wine on an empty stomach should sort her out!  If not, take her to the GP and ask him to prescribe a mild sedative.

  5. i wonder if you know there is such a thing called medicated oil in your country, it helps to reduce this motion sickness thingy.

  6. the best cure for sea sickness is to fly, never feel seasick again.  but really dont know, ask your doctor?

  7. Ginger pills worked well with us.  Dramamine makes me really sleepy and when you want to be out enjoying the journey you don't want to miss anything.  Ginger pills don't seem to have any adverse side effects and I have taken them on Class 7 seas in the North Atlantic and had a real rolling adventure!

  8. I was never sea sick, but I know people who were and you can buy patches at the medical center on the ship that go behind your ear that help sea sickness.  I hear they really work too.  They look kind of like a round band-aid but are a little bit smaller and are hard to notice if you aren't looking for them.

  9. i always eat some ginger, straight, or that jamaican ginger beer is good or even ginger biscuits help! don't know why but it works

  10. That's very easy.

    I am leaving the cabin, going on

    deck, drinking


    and watching the horizon...

    That helps... mostly.

  11. Hypnotherapy?

  12. You have to look outside so that you can see the horizon.  The sickness comes from when your brain can't detect the motion which nevertheless affects your inner ear.  Seeing the horizon rocking to and fro (well, not really of course, but you get the picture) helps your brain 'explain' the motion detected by your inner ear.

    Also, it helps if you've eaten something beforehand, and ideally keep munching on something like plain bread all the time, as this gives your stomach something to do and you won't feel so queasy.

  13. In the Royal Navy. They used to put boxes of "Salt Biscuits" around the ship, it seemed to work for the people who were susceptible to seasickness.

  14. try anything with ginger in it

  15. Short answer is go by Eurostar, but if you must go by water, try hypnotism plus normal sea sickness medication.

  16. Yes there is an otc pill called Dramamine. I was on a cruise & they handed them out free. A pkg here in USA cost less than $5.00. I keep them on hand for nausea as I get motion sick watching a movie that has lots of fast moving-rolling action.

    Dramamine is also good when you are sick at your tummy for any reason. I'm not sure about pregnancy sickness & using dramamine, so anyone should ask before using if pregnant.

  17. Empty stomach 1/2 bottle of whisky no food what isn`t down won`t come up Whisky stabilises my system?

  18. When boarding the ship - go to Purser's office and ask for sea sickness pills.  They will give you a packet of pills.  Take one immediately and keep them in your system throughout the cruise.  They are generally the non-drowsey formula and are better than what you can buy at the drug store.  My husband also uses the motion sickness wrist bands and claims they work really well.  The best cure for sea sickness is PREVENTION - other than that - the ship's doctor can assist.  Also, make sure you get a mid-ship cabin if possible.

  19. Ginger is the best thing to stop any kind of sickness, sea sick, car sick, morning sickness etc. You can buy ginger capsules or even try ginger biscuits.

    Good luck and have a fabulous time!!

  20. FLY!

    Salt Biscuits????? New to me, and I spent a good number of years at sea with the RN.

  21. tablets

  22. The patch works for many folks.  If you're only going across the channel, try the chunnel high speed train!

  23. You can by the wristbands at a supermarket or drug store. They work by touching the pressure point on your wrist where your veins are. What touches it is a half round plastic piece, kind of like a marble cut in half. They say the patch in back of the ear works really well too, but where I'm from, you need a prescription.

  24. There are wrist bands or Dramamine.  If medications make her sleepy buy the new Low Dose dramamine.

  25. I see a few people are saying to take Dramamine tablets but I wouldn't because they make you sleepy.  But the good news is their is a otc tablet called Bonnine that is chewable and last for 24 hours. I swear by this stuff and many people I told about it and tried it will swear by it also.  It comes in a blue box and is about $5.00 a box.  This stuff beats patches.

  26. You can buy over the counter tablets called Dramamine, very effective.  I use them myself. You can also buy patches that go behind your ear.

  27. i don't know. but i was standing when our trip to penang. and it work

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