
Is there anything u can do about social anxiety disorder?

by Guest59043  |  earlier

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with out pills




  1. WITHOUT pills?  Ooooh, that's a toughy.  It probably depends, a great deal, on the severity of the disorder.

    Start small.  If groups bother you, go someplace crowded and tell yourself you HAVE to stay for X amount of time, then slowly build up.

    If it's talking to people, practice makes perfect.

    But, if you're like me and find the stress accumulates rather than dissipates over time and despite positive exposure, you may have to open yourself up to the possibility that meds may be needed.

    Hope you succeed on your own!

  2. I think that they also use cognitive behaviour therapy or CBT to show you what actions you can perform differently so that you are not always doiung the same thing.

  3. yes there are lots of way to handle that. one is you have to gradually socialize to your closer friends. and read lots of books so that if your inside a conversation you wont be left out. read latest news and updates, that can help you improve your charisma. and try to talk and talk to other people or your colleagues. just don't be afraid. i know its not easy, but you have to face that.  

  4. There are some fabulous relaxation techniques that you can use to manage social anxiety. My personal favorite (the one I see the most success with for both myself and my patients) is deep breathing techniques! Deep breathing is extremely helpful for controlling anxiety! As a nurse, it has helped me through some extremely anxiety provoking experiences!

    You can read more info here:

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