
Is there anything which prohibits a state from seceding from the Union again?

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I am wondering if there is anything in either the Consitution or Federal Law which prohibits a state from seceding in order to become its own independent republic?




  1. Actually, every state except Texas and.........Tennessee?  Maybe not Tennessee.  I can't remember what the second state is.  Those are the only two that have the right to secede from the Union

  2. The Constitution does not permit unilateral secession: A state or group of states cannot simply leave the Union over the objections of the national government.

    In reality, a State would find it very difficult.  The Federal Government could claim the State must pay Billions of dollars due to Federal money they received for infrastructure, etc.

    Texas is the only exception.  Texas only agreed to become a State with the provision that they could secede at some date if they wished to.

  3. You can secede, just don't expet us to take you back again.

  4. Currently, under law, states still can.

    However, I think that if one tries, the laws might change pretty soon!

    There's an interesting group in NH that's going to try, that is... if they get enough moving there.

  5. Legal precedent (also known as the US Civil War) demonstrates the Federal opinion as to the legality of, and required response to, secession.

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