
Is there anything worst?

by  |  earlier

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than having one of our kids sick? Even if its nothing but a fever...




  1. no, sein your child un happy and un healthy is heartbreaking!

  2. no there is absolutely nothing worse for me. my little boy is usually an independent little soldier but a few months back I had dropped him off to stay with my Gran while I was at college and when I got back he was tucked up on the couch and had been there all day - I was panicking as it is the worst he has ever been!! He just lay on the couch with me and watched telly that night and it was really heartbreaking to see as he is not a 'cuddly' child. It really scares you when they are so out of character!!

    Luckily it was only a tummy bug and he was back to his usual self after a couple of days rest :)

  3. Both of my children are insulin dependent diabetics. That takes the common cold an little tummy bugs to a whole new level. What I wouldn't give to have a child that just had a lil virus !!

  4. yea any situation where your childs health and wellbeing is in jepordy is devistating.

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