
Is there anything wrong with being forward?What does it mean?

by Guest21368  |  earlier

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Is there anything wrong with being forward?What does it mean?




  1. In today's modern world and times, it is ok for a lady to be forward. That said, please don't be so forward. Use subtlety cos most guys prefer it that way.

    Being forward means - being sociable, taking initiatives in asking a guy out for a drink / movie / date, etc. instead of waiting for the guys to ask the ladies out.


  2. I think being forward is the opposite of being shy. I don't think there's anything wrong with being forward as long as you're not TOO forward.

  3. being forward

  4. It means taking the initiative, being "aggressive" in an assertive sort of way.  Some men are intimidated by this because they feel it is their responsibility to be "boss". I say BE YOU and someday you will meet someone who loves you FOR you :)

  5. weak minded people don't like others being forward and look upon it like "oh she is a tart,"

    for me i like it  & find forwared people far more interesting with no beating arround the bush saves a lot of time shows initatiuve.

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