
Is there anything wrong with easyjet?

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Is there anything wrong with easyjet?




  1. Check out this site on review of Easyjet :

  2. Don't worry about anything.  Their planes hardly ever crash.

  3. no

  4. What a coincidence.  I have just this minute come back on here, having booked another flight with Easyjet, to Malaga later in the year.   No, there is nothing wrong with them, in fact they are my preferred airline.   I've been using them for a number of years and have yet to find anything to complain about.   Their booking process is easy to follow, their fares are usually the best (if booked at the right times), the staff are good and I find that delays are minimal.    They have a fair boarding system, with speedy boarders, persons with special needs and families with young children going first.    Some passengers try to abuse the boarding system by pretending to not understand the rules, but you always get them anywhere.    Like most of the other airlines you pay for "hold" luggage nowadays, but at least with Easyjet that is for 20kgs NOT 15kgs like some.   For many of their destinations you have a good choice of flight times, too.  For example, from Gatwick to Malaga there are 5 or 6 flights per day to choose from.  Who else offers this?   And their safety record is good, with possibly the newest fleet of aircraft out of all the UK airlines.   All in all, I'm a fan.

  5. hav u been watching the airline programs...??

    guess they're ok

  6. no...........

  7. Apart from cancelling flights sometimes- No

  8. yes

  9. I've traveled with Easyjet a number of times and you get what you pay for

    it's no frills, tickets easy to book, I never travel with loads of luggage anyway because it's a pain to cart huge suitcases around with me, delays are no more or less than many other airlines, staff are usually efficient, and I actually prefer to bring my own sandwiches rather than have that awful airline food

    the only thing I dislike about Easyjet is that hideous orange they paint everything in ... makes me think of the Dutch football crowd, or being Tango-ed

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