
Is there anything wrong with saying.....?

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Is there anything wrong with saying I have a love affair wit God? I really love God with all I have within me and want to live the best life possible so is there anything wrong with it? I always thought it was a way to show how passionate you are to follow him but I want to see what other people would say. Thanks already and God bless you for your answer! And I won't report anybody who wants to help but is in the same boat I'm in. =]




  1. "love affair" does not mean you're in love with the person.  It has very specific additional connotations.  of course, no one can stop you from saying it, but you shouldn't act surprised or confused when people take offence or just think you're trying to be strange by claiming you're having s*x with God, which is the accepted meaning of the phrase.

  2. When people say "love affair" the first thing I think of is s*x. Usually when someone has an affair that is what it is. I guess to each her own.  

  3. Would you walk around saying you have a love affair with ma and pa?

  4. love AFFAIR a now days has been degraded to h**l you can read this from y answers singles and dating section.. so its better to respect god and just say i love god... its more respecting...

  5. Is there anything wrong with saying I have a love affair wit God? I

    No, but I take it you're not going to get married?

  6. Within the context and intention of the form in which you are using that saying, No there is not a thing wrong wiith it.

  7. if your love for him is genuine and not  goofy or twisted then i clap my hands for you!!!!!

  8. nothing wrong with that at all!

    it's really cool to hear you say that!

    all God wants with us is a relationship, and love is key in a relationship. He loves us so big and when we love Him in return its awesome! so no, nothing wrong with oyu saying it at all! thats how it's supposed to be, love and a personal real relaionship with God :)

  9. No I do not believe so, it is just your way of expressing how you feel about God, and that can never be wrong.

  10. Depends which Deity (I'm a polytheist= have many Gods/Goddesses) and weither they can choose to "manifest" in a human. (It can make things a lot more interesting, having a bit of visualisation involved!)

    Although I'm not currently a follower of Wicca. I believe it's the central point to the Wiccan Great Rite. The concept can and has been used/abused so it tends not to mentioned too much these days/ignored for fear of "fundy backlash" /newspaper "shock stories"

    I am of the understanding that in Gardeneran Wicca, to become a fully fledged HP/HPS (ie 3rd Degree and be "authorised" to teach Gardenerian Wicca) you need to have performed a symbolic(rather than a physical) great rite. (Hence the important of being taught be someone of different gender to oneself)

    Just in case I've not caused enough "issues" here's some Jokes (of which some seem to be obscurely relevant!) which will hopefully diffuse any offence that was (un-intentionally) caused.

  11. Well, lots of gods have love affairs with mortals. Even the ones in "proper religions."

  12. No there is not.  Only closed minded people will take it in a deviant way.  Tell people that you Love God, and if they belittle you, you are that much closer to heaven.

  13. Think about what you are saying. Just think about it.


  14. Your choice of words is your preference, nothing wrong with that but one needs to be very selective when trying to express the right feelings as there are so many shades of meaning that can come through and cause misunderstanding.

    For me, I'd choose to "honour" Him in my daily life. Then there are special moments when your heart is so filled with love that it literally aches, this is the divine love, the spiritual Presence. You may have experienced that at times. The Master also said, "Father, I love thee!" and there is no more to say. GOD IS LOVE.

  15. It really depends on where you are and who's listening when you say it. There's nothing wrong with it. We are the bride of Christ and we are to love him completely. But in some places, the term would not be understood and it would be ridiculed.

    I am so glad to hear of your love for our God. This is what He wants from all of us. If we are to spend an eternity with Him, we should love Him so completely. But, unfortunately, some people think of "affairs" as something dirty and wrong. In the common sense of the term, they are. But in respect to God, it testifies just how completely you love Him. I believe only others who have discovered the same love for God will understand what you mean when you say this. For this reason, it's best to use this term only around people who understand your heart.

  16. You should want to live the best life possible, but that doesn't require you to go ga-ga for God.

  17. No, the Bible says, taste and see that the LORD is good.  That is about as intimate as you can get.  God is delicious.  Taste and see.

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