
Is there anything wrong with writing a letter to a parent saying there kid is using drugs?

by  |  earlier

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well i am friends with the kid and i dont want them to be mad at me but i think there taking it a lil far with the drug thing




  1. The best thing is to tell them to their face. Go to the house and tell them or ask them to meet you at your house or the park... If you cannot do it like that then it would be best for you to just stay out of it.

  2. Theres Nothing Wrong With That. Drugs Are Illegal. The Parents Need To Know!

  3. I don't see anything wrong

  4. well, considering ive been there, it depends on the relationship. If you are friends with the kid, and you yourself are a teenager or something i could understand an anonymous letter. Although might not do much good as it could be ignored or easily put off by the kid.

    if you are friends with the parent, then sit the parent down and talk to them about it.

    If your a kid and aren't good friends with them, ignore it. Sometimes you need to trip and fall to learn to be more careful with where you walk and what you do.

    i would know.

  5. Not if thats the only way you can tell them or let them know what their child is doing

  6. you should tell them face to face.....

  7. yes

  8. make sure the parent has no proof it was you that sent it also try and talk to the kid about it .

  9. If this kid has been your close friend for a long time, then you should probably make them aware. And if possible, tell them face to face instead of a letter. If this kid is not your close friend then you might want to talk to a close friend of his/her that can and will inform the parents. The bottom line is the parents do need to know that their kid is ruining themselves with drugs.

  10. It depends. If it's someone you know well and you just feel more comfortable writing a letter then it's ok, I guess but it would be better to have that conversation in person. If it's someone you don't know well and you're planning to send an anonymous letter then I think you should mind your own business. If I got an anonymous letter saying my kid was doing drugs I'd probably think it was some other kid trying to get him in trouble or something.

  11. There isn't a definite answer to this question, it's if YOU feel right writing the letter. If the child's health is seriously at risk then i would say yes you should, but if you have just seen the child using drugs once then i would consider confronting the child face to face.

  12. if its none of your business, than YES, if it is a close friend/ relative than no, but sitting the drug user the parent and urself down to discuss this matter is WAY more respectful to all parties, if your going to involve urself in that matter i believe that is the best way (sitting everyone down)

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