
Is there anything yOu shOuldnt eat before a big 'red carpet' event to prevent u from looking bloated or swolle

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is there anything u should and shouldnt eat before like 4 breackfast and lunch/snacks




  1. Stay away from carbs.

  2. There are a lot of people that look and feel bloated after eating dairy products such as milk or cheese and for heaven sakes no beans of any kind even products that contain soy beans.  

  3. anything that has a high amount of fat, sodium or cholestrol.

    Stay away from the pizza table.  

  4. food

  5. How about an apple. Of course if you already look like a whale its not gonna make any differance at all.

  6. cheese and a large amount of salt, both foods cause bloating.  

  7. do NOT eat a bean burrito

  8. Keep from heavy salted foods as they'll force your body to retain more water than it should. Stay awake from offensive foods that you know you can't handle. For instance if you have a problem with dairy, keep away from it. Garlic, onions, broccoli, peppers, are common suspects of problems for gas and bloating. Most bland foods such as pasta, grains, cereals, etc. will keep you okay. Don't drink many soft drinks either...And if it is that time of the month for you (I'm presuming you're a girl, I'm a guy), there isn't much to help you, sorry. Yes, guys have it easier, not going to disagree. You could always go for a quick workout a couple of hours before the event, then take a long hot bath to drain any excess water from your body. Normally that will get rid of say like 2-4 lbs of water weight. Hope that helps. Cheers.

  9. Salty things

  10. nothing

  11. dont eat bread pasta or rice they all cause bloating as does beer  

  12. if i'm going out somewhere and planning on wearing a dress thats quite clingy, i just eat very small amounts of food throughout the day and drink lots of room temperature water. it stops my tummy bloating

  13. Don't eat too many baby seals. x

  14. Have a slow energy-release breakfast, like porridge and snack on fruit (fresh or dried), crisps and nuts. Stay well away from bread because that can swell inside you and make you feel bloated. In fact, try to avoid wheat altogether because any slight intolerance can result in blotchy skin.

  15. Salty food (retains water);  cheese or alot of carbs.  I'd stick to salads and fresh fruit that day

  16. dont eat anything salty

  17. Water

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