
Is there anything you are nervous or afraid to cook?

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For me it would have to be lobsters, love eating them but dont feel comfortable cooking them. It has nothing to do with me being squeamish, it is the fact that they are very expensive and I am afraid I would ruin them!




  1. Anything with frying grease.

  2. Lobster..u have to boil it alive for it to be tender  I have heard....couldn't drop a live creature into boiling water

  3. My husband likes weird foods, and one day he brought home frog legs, I wouldnt cook it, and couldnt even get near it.  He did and it he couldnt even eat it, he gave it to the dog, but the dog wouldnt touch it.  Never again will I allow that in my house.

  4. You mention expensive which brings to mind roasts and steaks. Even though I'm not a meat eater, I enjoy a piece of rib roast or a steak once every few years. I am terrified to try to fry, grill or roast either of them.

    The Muse

  5. uh, lots of things...i'm not a very good cook...that's why I like to eat out! ;-)

  6. Always have problems making pudding!

  7. Deep Frying or Frying in Oil. Any dish that requires deep frying or frying in oil. The Oil splashes during when food is cooking it just pops out from its pan when its cooking & it burns. Happened a few times where it gets on my hand & arms or even on your neck or face. Scary!

  8. i would hav to say a live crab i cooked one before and he bit me and i burned myself trying to get him in the water and i have never cooked one again so i dont blame u for being afraid of a lobster

  9. I find Creme Brulee a little nerve racking, one minute too long in the oven and you end up with a custard puck.

  10. meatloaf

  11. bread .... never able to make a good bread .. really scare of making it and cleaning it up

  12. I find squid & okra just plain frightening! (Although I will eat okra in a gumbo ....)

  13. I love to cook, but I hate to bake.  I would say any dish that I have to measure out the ingredients. Cooking is all about what you like, add a little more of this or a little less of that. But baking on the other hand is a precise science, all ingredients must be exact to the formula (recipe).

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