
Is there anything you can put in stagnant water that will kill mosquito eggs?

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There is a house that is unoccupied and water keeps settling in their drained pool and has become a breeding ground for mosquitos in our neighborhood. I know the city is not going to come out every time a puddle of water gets in the pool. Is there something you can put in the water, however, that will kill the mosquito eggs??




  1. L.O.C. (Liquid Organic Cleaner) It's an Amway product. Look in the phone book for Quixtar/Amway Distributors. It's quite inexpensive.

    A capfull is enough for 10,000 gallons. Just pour it in.

    It eliminates the surface tension of the water and the eggs and bugs go down and drown.

    It's organic, so it won't kill fish or be poisonous to humans.

    We also spray it on small ants to drown and get rid of them.

  2. This is a good question, but why don't you call an exterminator for the answer, they will tell you what they suggest as the best solution.  Unfortunately, most other remedies only last for a very short time.  I am sorry that this is a problem for you, but I can understand.  If it were me, I'd pour gasoline on the water, and light a match.  Probably not legal,  since it is not your property,  but extremely effective.

  3. There are tablets you can get at any hardware/home improvement store.....supposedly they are non-toxic.

  4. wd-40

  5. Bleach, not a lot, but a little bit of bleach will do the trick.

  6. Mosquito dunks at most hardware stores

  7. please use acid to kill the mosquito eggs

  8. You can by tablets at Home Depot or Lowe's in the garden department, or at pond supply stores.  They are safe to use.

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