
Is there anything you didnt pack in your hospital/ labor bag that you wish you would have?

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Anything that you would reccommend packing that might not be on one of the "lists"? I have 2 weeks left.. so any day now... i need to start packing! Lol





  1. I packed way too much!!!  I had a bag for the labour, a separate bag for the hospital stay afterwards and of course the baby's bag.

    I didn't use anything from the labour bag.  All I needed from the hospital stay bag was comfy PJs, slipper, socks and a change of clothes for going home.  All the baby needed was a few diapers, wipes and a change of clothes for going home.

  2. My camera, some cards, a book, a baseball bat to knock me out(lol).  Just bring some of the usual things like soap, shampoo, change of clothes for you and the baby, something to do afterwards, oh and your own pads too.  The ones that they give you at the hospital are HUGE and uncomfortable and that was always the first thing I wanted to get out of when I got home!

  3. I packed way to much also... I ended up staying in the hospital for a week and STILL had to much. Basically, bring pajamas, a robe, slippers, big underwear... those pads are just huge, a blanket for the baby, and a coming home outfit. The hospital can provide you with minor things that are just a hassle to unpack when you get home.

  4. Take thick warm socks...your feet freeze when you are delivering.  Chap stick because your lips get so dry!

    Good luck..may you have a easy and fast delivery! :)

  5. put something to eat in ur bag i had my daughter at nite, and  i got tea and toast later on in the nite, but i still felt hungry in to the nite as i couldnt sleep!

    hope this helps

    good luck!

  6. I dont think you could ever possibly pack too much. I have a list of all the things i will be taking in and I keep adding to it. I would much rather be comfortable having too many things than not enough - especially if I end up needing it.

    I have just added four things to my list.

    1) Food for my partner. Hospitals do not usually cater for partners/birth partners. Vending machines can be expensive and dont always stock food to suit taste.

    2) Disposable knickers. My sister said these were invaluable!

    3) ipod or walkman. My sister said this was also invaluable.

    4) Ear plugs. My midwife says that wards can be noisey and sleep is very much needed after the long slog labour. I dont know if I will use them but hey so what! I'm packing everything except the kitchen sink.

    Happy packing and good luck. x

  7. honestly i didnt get to take a bag to the hospital when i had my first. i lived with my grandparents and my mom told me that it wasnt necc. they wouldnt let me wear my comfy sweats or pjs while i was at the hospital. but i am 34wks and 4 days and i am definately taking a bag this time.

    although i didnt take a bag i still had my purse.i can recommend that you dont take your wallet because i had my stollen some time during my stay. i dont know how that happen because i only left my room one time while i was there after the birth. and that was just down the hallway to the nursery. so this time i am just taking my license and my insurance card, because i dont want to risk getting it stolen again.

    but take some kind of mints of some sorts, because they came in handy, and the only thing that you can have while you are in labor is hard candy and ice chips. i dont even think that they let you drink water. i cant remember.

    i actually loved having the use of the pads that the hospital supplied, they are RATHER HUGE, and a bit uncomfortable, but they did come in handy.

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