
Is there anyway I can avoid a high amount of points from a speeding ticket?

by  |  earlier

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I was found guilty of going 26 mph over the speed limit. i do not have the money for my insurance to go up and will not be able to afford it. is there anyway that i can increase the penalty fee instead of recieving points? this is my first time offense do u think the judge will offer some kind of clemency? and about how much average are those defensive driving classes?




  1. Defensive driving other than that you are screwed.  

  2. The absolute best way I know of is to "slow down".

    This concept has been tried in many places across the nation and has been proven to be the best way to avoid high amounts of points from  speeding tickets.

    As far as changing the law regarding points "after" you get a speeding ticket that's something altogether different.

    Honestly... A lot of people want to get out of personal responsibility when they break the law.

    It happens all the time.

    For that you will have to go to court and talk to a judge.

    The reason they call them "judge" is because that's what they do!

  3. The defensive driving classes aren't that much to my understanding. You would greatly benfit from one of the classes check with the clerk of the court or use your phone book to look for ask if this class will help with points some classes do some don't I think they have to be certified by the state so make sure you take the right course.

    Just get on the phone and start asking them these question they are better quilified to answer the questions.

  4. "i do not have the money for my insurance to go up and will not be able to afford it."

    I guess you should have thought of that before you drove like an a*****e.  

  5. Excellent questions, but the time to have gotten answers is before you were convicted. Now that that is on your record, my understanding is that the system is pretty inflexible -- if you get the conviction, you'll get the points.

    And remember, people who drive like you DO cause more accidents, and therefore more costs to the insurance companies. If you don't pay more for insurance, people like me have to. Please don't try to pass your responsibilities onto me.

  6. 26mph over the could have killed someone. Speed limits are there to stop idiots like you from killing and maiming others...and you are worried about points on your license. I think you need to be banned from driving for a while

  7. Stop speeding and follow the speed limit and you won't lose points.  

  8. poopy head, first what find of name is that ? Anyway, you stated this was your first ticket. This will be easy if you listen. Heres what you do. On your court date go see the DA and ask if he/she will let you plea to an improper equipment charge. Why ? because this charge is an infraction meaning no points on your license and no insurance increese, You will half to pay the court cost and possible the cost of the ticket. But isn't that better than 4 points added to the license !  Youur Welcome, Good Luck, You know attorney's charge a huge fee for this find on info, maybe I should have just told you to e-mail me and for a small fee I would tell you how to get out of the ticket !   I'm just kidding around. Glad I could help. Just remember to slow down !

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