
Is there anyway I can get a free court appointed lawyer in San Antonio Texas?

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I need one for child suport, divorce, and coustody as mysupporthave not see thcustody I'd like to get full costody if I cant get child suport.custodysupport




  1. Not really, at least through the city or county.  The government is only required to provide an attorney to those CRIMINAL DEFENDANTS unable to afford one on their own.  In your case, however, you could probably find a legal-aid type attorney, a local attorney that volunteers his or her time, or help through St. Mary's University School of Law.  My suggestion would be to call the Law School.

  2. I don't think you need a lawyer.  Go to your local Family Court.  They have forms which you fill out for divorce and custody and support.  You will pay application fees.  File it.  Then they will give you your day in court.

  3. I got divorced last year, so I know a little bit about the divorce process. I'm glad my lawyer helped me through the tough times. The laws are most likely different in Texas than Mississippi (where I used to live) so I don't want to give you wrong advice. Try contacting a Texas divorce attorney for help.

    Good luck

  4. You will also need an interpreter.  Child support can be handled through the child support enforcement agency.  You are not entitled to court-appointed counsel for divorce and custody issues but there are some legal services agencies, supported by donations, that will sometimes handle such things free or cheaply.  

  5. They only do criminal charges

    You do not need a lawyer for any of that civil matters.

  6. Usually, court-appointed lawyers are available if you are a defendant in a criminal case.  I don't think you can get one free in your case.

  7. All the other answers are incorrect.  Because you have a child and paternity has not been established, you can go to the Child Support Enforcement Division of the Texas Attorney General's office.  What they can do is have a government attorney go to court to establish paternity and support of the child and then while they are filing that they can get you divorced.  You can apply online here:  To contact the local attorney general office:

    CS San Antonio Intake/Locate, Office 212

    Office Manager: Donna Walker

    Physical Address

    403 South W. W. White Rd., Ste. 350

    San Antonio, TX   78219-4232

    Office phone: 210-333-6216

    Fax Number : 210-545-1509


    Counties served: Case Initiation Only.

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