
Is there anyway can i sue?

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for my vacation my parents booked a two night stay at the five star hotel in Atlantic city, resorts. we were planning to view the U.S air show, thunder over the board walk. once we got to the casino it was around 12 30 am . we went to the main desk and asked for the keys to the room, the main desk man said the rooms were sold out and they had no rooms left.

the drive back home was three hours long and my family and i were all exhausted from the trip, they said there were no rooms anywhere Else, and we were forced to return back home as our last resort.

my family is very angry, and their main concern was why would the hotel guarantee the rooms(we reserved them), and later send us home we came early and applied to all the qualifications.

is there any way i can sue the hotel, if not what should i do, what is some good advice.




  1. no you can't sue the hotel....usually hotel will only guarantee a room until midnight unless a call is received saying that the guest will be arriving after midnight. sorry about your luck but next time you and your family should ask the hotel and their polices and not just assume that it is guarantee until you get there.  

  2. Did you notify the Casino that you were running late?

    How is the Casino know that you are showing up?  

    Communication or even a lack of communication on your part, is still a means of communication to the Casino...

    You had a reservation...did you already paid for the room?  you may have a reservation, and a confirmation of a reservation, but did you pay for the rooms?  if not, the Casino will not hold a reservation indefinitely...esp. if the room was not paid for.

    12:30am is considered the next day...and you really cannot blame them, for your lack of communications...can you?

  3. Most likely you arrived too late to claim the rooms you had booked.

    There's no way to sue, so forget it.

  4. It sucks but no you probably cant. They have every right to give a reserved room to someone who is there first. As long as you get your money back or the hold was taken off of your account there isnt really anything you can do. for future reference always keep checking on your reservations - make sure they are clear about when you are coming and make sure the rooms are ready and available.  

  5. please be careful reserving a room and booking it is different...

    did they leave any kind of deposit? credit card number?

    either way suing is pretty much not the way to go i guess,

    you should have a paper confirming your reservtion.  now read all the details.

    2. write a letter to the hotel manager/ or representative if it is a chain.

    they will most probably make up for it.

    usually they will offer some upgraded room with extras included, like for eg spa treatments/ dinner, flowers upon arrival etc...

    if they don't well yes you can actually sue for damages, depending on what state you like in there are things you can ask for.. eg fuel, etc, but i doubt you'll need to sue

  6. even if you can sue for breach of contract, you don't have evidence to prove you entered to unless it was online and you already paid for it. non-written contracts are very hard to prove in court.

    second, you should have complained with the manager and ask them why they will say "yes" to reservation under the pretense that there are openings.

    lastly, you arrived around 12:30 am. if your arrival is before or after their check-in time you should have informed them; otherwise they would give away your reservation.

    the best way as a preventive measure is to confirm your booking a day before the date.

  7. Did they confirm the booking with and get a reservation number? If not, then its their fault.

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