
Is there anyway someone can shut down all the lights in the world for a week?

by  |  earlier

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or a law to use the bus and train for two days straight




  1. No there is no way. The reason being that every nation would suffer millions of dollars of losses if they shut the lights down. Moreover no nation will want to disturb its economy and hence wont do such a thing no matter how important it is.

  2. Do you have any idea how many people are afraid of the dark?

  3. Nice idea but no. Think of hospitals.

    Think about people who live in places that don't have access to buses and trains or have to drive to get to them.

  4. Get in touch with Ironman

  5. yes there is. all presidents of the world and monarchies will declare martial law and implement that policy.

  6. Another fine supporter of the Green agenda:

    Note how nicely he phrases the desire that we

    FREEZE in the DARK

    for a week.

    Note that the little GREEN FASCIST wants to make his misguided zeal

    the LAW

    so that you must follow his delusional tin pot dictates.

    If this contra-survival GREEN HYSTERIA goes on much longer a return to the DARK ages is predicted.

    Down with GREEN IGNORANCE!

  7. NO!

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