
Is there anyway that the public can get the gas price lower?

by  |  earlier

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Is there anyway ENOUGH people can make a stand!?




  1. That's what I have been saying for some time now, if we boycott one oil company for 1 month, it will work because they will have to lower there prices to make room for the inventory coming in, Lets say company A is selling gas and company B is not, then company B will lower there price to beat company A price, then there are price wars between company A and B... Lets just say we try for June 1st for the boycott, everyone will still get gas, just not from one gas company.

  2. yes stop the war in Iraq thats the main reson the price of gas is so high.

  3. lets face the facts, if you boycott on a Monday, then you will fill up the day before or after.The only way to make a change is boycott an individual supplier.Don't buy gas from these certain companies until they lower there prices to a set point. Example, everyone buy gas at a Race Track instead of Shell.Shell has to lower or shut down.Others may follow or join the group.

  4. WALK and grow castor bean

  5. No and with all that is going on it will get higher. I saw a report last week on a news show that listed the market speculators as also keeping the price up so they can increase their profits. That is why they react to every little rumor like they do and with the dollar being down we as drivers are screwed. THe war has nothing to do with gas prices, it is just being use like that to  help with the election because the Democrats do not really have anyone. People do need to conserve and act more responsible with their driving.

  6. The only way to lower the price of gas is to boycott it for the rest of your life.

    One day boycotts don't work. Boycotting one or two oil companies doesn't work.

    OIL IS GLOBAL.  Oil companies have little if nothing to do with the price. Oil is traded on the GLOBAL market. The market determines the price base on supply vs demand.

    The demand goes up every day/year. It never goes down. In 2003 China's demand went up 30%.


  7. That's a silly question.  If you'll just carpool with 3 other people, you'll cut your price for gas by 75%, before the price moves.  The price will plummet if everybody in the US did just this simple act, but if only you do it, you'll still save 75%.

    I don't mean next Tuesday, like some dumbass "1-day boycott".  I mean for the rest of your life.

    You are in complete control of the price of gasoline.  Don't kid yourself.

  8. Not really. If demand goes down, the oil companies will reduce production accordingly to maintain their current profit margin.

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