
Is there anyway to avoid the bloated face look in the last couple months?

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haha, I was just looking back at the photos of when I was 8-9 months pregnant and golllllly...was I bloated! Hubby and I are thinking of ttc#2 this spring but I want to avoid the bloated look if at all possible! Or is this just inevitable? Thanks!

Also, I gained 50 lbs with baby # 1 (my boy was 9 lbs 2 oz) ... Any suggestions on how to only gain the suggested 35 lbs with baby # 2 when I am always so hungry when pregnant?




  1. stay active during your pregnancy- being pregnant doesnt mean your can't do teh same thigns with moderation as long as you aren't high risk- i gained 26 pounds but i was super actve all teh time and people thought i was gogin to pop because of it. i work up until i delivered and walked everywhere- i even walked to work a few times. people were telling me" i would have given you a ride if you needed it you should have called me" i just walked because i wanted to not because i couldn't drive lol

  2. Drink lots of water - it will keep you from getting really bloated (some bloating is inevitable).  

    I ate relatively healthy during my pregnancy but still gained a bit over 40 pounds.  Just do your best - 35 is a goal but a bit over is  not bad!

  3. Inevitable. I only gained 19 lbs, and still in the last three weeks  I had a double chin and puffy cheeks! UGH, I looked awful. They only way to avoid it is to go into labor early. With my second, he was born two weeks early (which IS full term,. BTW) and I never really got that bloated look in the face.

  4. lol, i understand completly. its going to happen but stay away from salt to help it stay at a good size :)

  5. eat healthy and lots of it. I don't think there is any way to avid the bloated face look. Good luck  

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