
Is there anyway to boost fertility while breastfeeding with no period?

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I'm nursing my 12 month old and I had one period two months ago and that was it. I haven't had one since. I would like to try to conceive again but I'm not having periods so I don't think I'm ovulating. Any suggestions?




  1. Most doctors recommend that you wait 18 months after birth to have another child.  Plus they do not recommend breastfeeding while pregnant.  The first answerer is right, it is very taxing on your body.  And it increases the likelihood of a pre-term birth.

  2. "Human beings have known for centuries that breastfeeding affects fertility, and this has been borne out in recent studies. The individual variations are, however, great. In general, the more often a baby is breastfed, the younger the baby is, and the less nutrition he gets from other sources, the later the mother's periods will resume. Most breastfeeding mothers will resume their periods between 6 months and 2 years after their baby's birth. Weaning will almost certainly cause a resumption of the menstrual cycle.

    Boosting Your Fertility While Breastfeeding:

    "The bibliography contains several titles that address your concern. Toni Weschler's "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is a comprehensive guide to many aspects of fertility and includes a positive and encouraging chapter on breastfeeding and fertility. "Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition" by Marilyn Shannon explores how food choices and combinations can increase or decrease a woman's ability to become pregnant with a supportive stance concerning breastfeeding. "Your Fertility Signals: Using Them to Achieve or Avoid Pregnancy" by Merryl Winstein provides basic fertility information and also discusses fertility concerns while breastfeeding. Nikky Wesson's "Enhancing Fertility Naturally: Holistic Therapies for a Successful Pregnancy" takes the basics one step further by incorporating information on acupuncture, aromatherapy, and relaxation as it relates to fertility. Of course, the classic book, "Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing" by Sheila Kippley, continues to be a valuable resource for a clear understanding of the impact of breastfeeding on fertility." La Leche League Breastfeeding Support International

  3. I hate to state the obvious but if you're not ovulating, your body is telling you that it's not ready for another baby yet.

  4. mommy, I would suggest stopping breastfeeding so you can give the next baby the best start possible.  There's a reason you are not fertile while breastfeeding.  When you're pregnant, your unborn depends on you completely and I would be concerned that you will be overtaxing your body and shortchanging your baby in the process.  Your 1-year old can eat food now, but the unborn won't have that option.

  5. There's nothing wrong with breastfeeding in early pregnancy, especially with a 1-year-old that's not as dependent on you for food.

    No, there's nothing you can do.  Apparently you are one for whom breastfeeding really holds off the return of menstruation.  Some women don't have a period as long as they are nursing.  My advice is to nurse your current child in the way that you feel is best, and not worry about what it does to fertility.  Of course, if you feel like she's nursing a bit more than she needs to, you could always try cutting out a feeding, but I wouldn't do that solely to increase fertility.

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