
Is there anyway to buy something to numb?

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UK only please, are there any numbing products out there that make you numb as if you've been under the dentists needle?!




  1. Nothing I can think of.  Most stuff is prescription only, but may I comment on how I saw a baked potato in the dentists chair the other day and how I had to wait for the dentist to finish his filling first?

  2. not that i know of  :S

  3. You shouldn't really pop it, but if you really need to then stick an icecube on it for a while. This will soothe it and make you more able to pop it.

    If not, why not stick some concealer on it?

  4. numb what ? the brain  

  5. For what part of the body?

    Ice packs or a freeze spray from the chemist does it for most parts of the body. For the mouth you can use ice and/or alcohol

  6. I think "viscous xylocaine" is a pretty universal product. It is rubbed on the spot and quickly anesthetizes it. Check with your local pharmacy or medical supply store.

  7. no there isn't, get something from the chemist for your spot.

  8. Depends what you need it for .

    Here are some options :)

  9. screwdriver

  10. Peruvian flake will numb you up nice : )

  11. ora gel numbs not only teeth but body parts too,  

  12. ummmmm no

  13. depends what is is for???

  14. Some ointments contain lignocaine, such as Vagisil. This has a numbing effect.

  15. Urm, wart freezer?.

  16. if you are talking about numbing your gum then no.

  17. it depends for how long you want the place to be numb,

    use ice cubes  till you loose sensation

    use a topical cream that numbs like esracaine

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