
Is there anyway to close a small gap between bottom teeth without braces?

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i have a gap between my bottom teeth and hate it with a passion, i don't need braces because my teeth are straight besides this gap (no crooked teeth, no twisted ones, no other gaps, nothing) how can i close it?




  1. You can get veneers. There are some type of veneers that are not painful and can be done an hour and look natural. The cost though is high.

  2. You will need to see an orthodontist and they will give you something for it. There is nothing you can do you'rself.

  3. Your dentist can build it up with acrylic.  I had the same experience except with my top front teeth and when I looked into braces, it was around $1700 but the build-up cost less than $500...I was a while ago.  Also, I live in Canada so the prices may be totally different where you live.  But to me, it was worth it.  Years later, the gap is gone and the acrylic is still there (which you can't even see).  I totally understand about hating your gap with a passion.  It may not seem like a big deal to some people, but your smile really can make or break how you feel about yourself.

    Good Luck!

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