
Is there anyway to contact your spiritual guide? if yes, how?

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Could you pls elaborate? thanks




  1. Sylvia Brown has tons of books on just can get them free from your local library..she is awesome.

  2. Yes you can. There are a variety of meditations geared toward meeting your guide.The very first CD I bought was "Discover Your Spirit Animal" by Ted Andrews. This one is easy to follow but tends to focus on animal totems (which are spirit guides). It will get you started in the right direction and help you get familiar with the process.  

  3. I use a pendulum, but you have to know what questions to ask. Be very specific on your questions. With a pendulum the Spirit Guide can only answer yes and no questions. Ask; spirit guide are you there? The pendilum should swing to yes, yes is however you have trained or told your pendilum that yes is (either clockwise for yes - counter clockwise for no or swingings left to right for yes or to and fro for no. If you get a yes then proceed with your questions. If you do not get a yes keep trying, but space out you times by at least 10 - 20 minutes. Remember this is new to you Spirit Guilde, so be patient, as they have to learn the process also.

    I prefer to use what I can a witches board, I made mine with the alpabet (broken down into sections EXAM: A-E, F-I, J-P, Q-T, U-V and numbers 0 - 9. This is a slow process as you can ask them certain questions such as when they were born, what is their name, are they human/animal. You use a pendilum and ask a question such as does your first name begin with A-E, if you get a yes move you pendilum to the section with the letters A-E and ask them to point to the letter of their first name, then continue through all the letters. If you get someone on the board that you personally know (a passed loved one) ask them a personnal question only you and they know, to be sure it is the person you think you are connecting with. I have also found that sometimes the spelling is off the wall/ this could be due to lack of education or different cultures. In the center of my board I have a yes and no. After you get a response take your pendilum to to yes/no and ask them if this is what they mean. A CAUTION If you continue to get a yes or no answer repeatingly ask the board an off the wall question, if you get the same response, close the conversatioon as you likely have someone/something else trying to break through. Just tell them you no longer wish to speak to them, then end the session. This is a long process but you can find out a lot about your Spirit Guides. VERY IMPORTANT: I always ask 2 questions when I get a spirit on the board, 1. are you from the light. 2. do you love to holy spirit (as you see the holy spirit). If you do not get a response or a No then tell them you do not wish to commuicate with them. Always be polite when speaking with your Spirit Guides (yes you have more then one), alway say please and thank you. I know this is a lot to take in, but I hope it helps. Bright Blessings to You!

  4. John Edward and Sylvia Browne both have some good books and CD's on how to meet your spirit guide(s) and you animal totem. I have tried their exercises mentioned in the books and have met both spirit guides and animal totem also met my guardian angel. I would recommend getting these books. I bought mine but you might check your local library. The cover of the book will tell you if you have the right book for meeting your guides.

  5. No, there is no way. Spiritual guides are mythical.


  7. There are many sites on the web that would be able to assist you with your question.

  8. There are MANY ways to do this. Astral Projection is one of many. However I will share with you a different method.

    When we sleep our conscious mind sleeps with us but our unconscious mind awakens. Everyone has some form of psychic ability within their unconscious mind, its merely learning to accept, focus and understand it to awaken it when we are conscious. You can also contact spirits and your spirit guides while you sleep. Please note that you may not achieve this first time. It depends on each person’s ability to really focus their mind, relax and make contact. My answer to this is don’t be disheartened if you don’t succeed straight way. It takes practice and patience aswel as determination.


    Wear light comfortable clothing. Have a note book and pen beside your bed. It’s optional but you can have a small white tea light candle or white pillar candle. Candles are good to use when trying to contact spirits. Only use white candles for this purpose.

    *IF USING A CANDLE* light it about 20mintues before you plan on going to sleep. Sit before the candle and concentrate on the flame. Clear your mind of any thoughts about the day you have had or about what may come tomorrow. Think only of the person (spirit) you wish to make contact with.

    *IF NOT USING A CANDLE* Follow the above mentioned with your eyes closed.

    Do this for about 20 minutes or for aslong as you feel comfortable and relaxed. Don not exceed 20 minutes.


    Blow out your candle and get into bed. Make yourself comfortable, you need to be relaxed and warm but not too hot or feeling cold / chilly. Take several deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then turn out your light and repeat this exercise.


    Close your eyes. Feel your body relaxing. Try and keep your thoughts ONLY on your intended direction.


    Ask out loud (don’t shout though) for the person you wish to make contact with to come to you while you sleep. For example saying,

    “Peter Smith, my father, please come to thee this night”. OR “Guardian Angel come to thee this night”.


    Keep focused in your mind the spirit you’re summoning. See in your mind a small white light coming towards you and slowly getting bigger. See the light slowing changing into a figure of a person… need to keep focus on this till you fall asleep.


    If you have been successful, while you sleep you will find the spirit you have called for. Please remember though that sometimes a spirit may not want to come to you. Its not because they no longer love you they have their own reasons for this. This is usually because they only wish to look over you as you move on with your life. If they feel that by them making this type of connection with you will hold you back in your daily life they will not come.  


    When you awake, make a note straight away on the note pad any images you have seen or voices with messages you heard. It’s important to do this as soon as you wake, otherwise you will forget what you have experienced. Make it the first thing you do on waking while still feeling sleepy.

    This stage of waking is when your unconious is awake WITH your conscious. It takes only a few second (or minutes) for the unconscious to fall silent again. So this is the best time to recall dreams and messages.

    Blessed Be to you in your Dreaming Experience

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