
Is there anyway to download things you hear on the radio?

by  |  earlier

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Like I heard this funny thing on the radio, and I was wonderin if there was anyway I could download it or just hear it again. The station was 94.9 The Blaze




  1. It depends.

    First of all, check to make sure that the radio show you heard isnt repeated later.  Perhaps on another station or later at night that day?

    If not than there is the chance that you may be able to download it in the form of a podcast.

    A podcast is an audio file which contains a radio show.  Alot of radio shows now support this feature.  Podcasts were originlly designed for people to listen to theri faveourite radio shows at a time that suited them on the portable device, for example, an iPod.  But now are just as widely listend to on the PC.

    Try going to the stations website and check to see if they have a podcast section, or if the station was rebroadcasting a show that was produced somewhere else, then try going to the shows website.  Podcasts are usually about 30MBs per hour, however this does change according to the bitrate and format that the show is encoded in. (IE, The better the quality of the recording, the higher the number of bits persecond thus a larger file size.)  

    Most shows that offer a podcast for download give you a couple of options, such as weather you just want the show.  Or maybe you want the show with the songs and commercials they played as well.  Etc Etc.

    Also, some shows may not offer a "full" podcast, but instead a waterd down version.  IE, the best clippits of that show...  This is good if the presenters tend to ramble on a bit and if you don't want to listen to the whole show - only the good parts.

    Anyway, hoped that helped and see you around on Yahoo7 Answers. =]

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