
Is there anyway to ensure I will have a boy?

by  |  earlier

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when the time comes? I am 23 and not worried, but isn't there any advancement in technology where I can separate the female from the male sperms? please, serious answers only




  1. No way.

  2. every baby should be a wanted baby regardless of their s*x. what would happen if you had four girls and the fifth was a boy. would the girls get forgotten?


  3. This is Brave New World stuff you are asking. But there is a way of improving the chances. In many cases it has been shown that a woman's vaginal acidity has a more detrimental effect on male sperm than female sperm. So the answer is to ejaculate quickly without allowing the female time to have an o****m or even secrete much lubricant. Slightly violent or painful intercourse also stimulates ovulation.

  4. with a girl I hope lol. the first week after a female has her period she is in high demand to get pregnant

  5. yes:that sperm selection is available:not for free.

    go to a fertility clinic:and of course your husband/boyfriend too!

    after selecting out the sperm:it will be artificial insemination or in vitro.its not covered by insurance.

  6. i dont know if this is true. i heard that a man should not ejaculate for 15 days prior to s*x to shoot a male sperm.

  7. Nope. Well, at least not naturally.

    You produce roughly equal numbers of x and y chromosome carrying sperm, all the time.

    The only virtually 100% way of choosing the s*x of your child would be to undergo very expensive and time-consuming in-vitro fertilisation (artificial reproduction) and "pre-implantation genetic diagnosis" (PGD).

    Embryos must be created by extracting the female eggs, fertilizing them with your sperm, then tested using PGD which would determine whether they were male or female, among other things.

    Then the male one would have to be implanted. And what if it's a female one? Do you throw them away until you get a male one? This whole procedure creates many ethical dilemmas and many doctors won't do it, especially for just determining s*x. Even then, the failure rate for implantation of the embryos can be high (as it is naturally too) - just ask anyone who has been through it because they had conception problems.

    The other way is flow cytometric separation of x and y sperm, which again has to be done in the lab. This is about 85% effective in producing a girl, and 65% effective in producing a boy, but it isn't used much anymore, and you still might not get what you want!

  8. nope. there is no way but im sure you would love the person you helped create all the same if it was a girl.  

  9. No, sorry its a 50/50 chance.

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