
Is there anyway to find who is Anonymous in orkut community?

by  |  earlier

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Hi all. I have joined a community in orkut recently. Its about feminism. Things would have been good in that community, but there is this saddist guy who keeps posting extremly rude comments on women and absuses community members.

The problem is the community owner is in New York and it looks like she just created a community and forgot about it. I have tried mailing her, scrapping her, and what not, but i cant get her to turn off the anon option from that community. may be she has forgotten her password :( there is no moderator for this either.

My Question is, is there ANY way to track who is posting as Anonymous? i heard that you can track the IP address from scraps and posts. but i dont know how to do that. Is there any way to get it? if i can as much as get the ip address, i can track the user myself down. Or is there any other method to stop anonymous? ANYTHING to stop him!!

If you guys/girls can help me with this, Please, i will be so thankfull.

Thanks in advance ^^




  1. the link below will track the IP and address of the sender from your email inbox.

    open your email, click the "show full header" on your address bar, copy it then paste it on the blank space then click search....

    i am not sure about this Orkut thing..if you can find the full header..then you try but if not, find a way to make that person to email you using her or him personal account..just play a trick on her or him

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