
Is there anyway to get alcohol out of your system faster than normal?

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what is the fastest u can go from being drunk to being normal? is there any tricks to speed this up?




  1. Eating food helps. Also, alcohol in your blood is metabolized before other kinds of energy (carbs or fat), so if you are active, say walk around the block a few times, you can get the alcohol out of your system faster.

    Water won't sober you up, but it will keep you hydrated and prevent a hangover. I don't think throwing up will really help you, because by the time you are drunk the alcohol is already in your blood. It would only help if you drank way too much and there is still alcohol in your stomach, but then you would already be throwing up.

  2. Alcohol metabolism follows zero order kinetics which means a constant amount is metabolized per hour regardless of the amount in your system.  Although there are slight variation between races.  The amount metabolized is roughly one drink per hour (12 oz beer or 2.5 oz liquor [80 proof]).  There is of  course the unabsorbed alcohol in your stomach which will continue to be absorbed long after you stop drinking.  This you can get rid of by vomiting.  Alcohol is metabolized by the liver and there are certain medication that are known to inhibit metabolism and others that induce metabolism.  Of course, I would never suggest taking these medications to increase metabolism of alcohol.

    As stated above, your body metabolizes roughly one drink an hour, so if you had six beers, it would take six hours before the level of alcohol was undetectable in your blood.  For 2 beers or 2 scotches, it would take 2 hours.  

    There are certain medications that are known to decrease the rate of metabolism by interfering with liver enzyme function and these medications are considered contra-indicated with alcohol for that reason.  examples would be barbiturates, certain antibiotics, certain anti-fungals, etc.    

  3. i've heard... burnt toast (like a carbon filter)

    and vitamin C is good too

  4. Puke. Get a glass of water and put about 4 or 5 tablespoons of salt in it. Chug it down.. it will make you puke.

    Drinking milk can also make you puke if you are drunk.. but doesn't work on everyone.

    Otherwise.. drink a lot of water. This gets you sober pretty quickly without the puking.

  5. I don't think so

    It just takes time for your liver to clear the alcohol

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