
Is there anyway to get you Locomotive Engineers License without becoming a conductor or brakesman first?

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Is there anyway to get you Locomotive Engineers License without becoming a conductor or brakesman first?




  1. No, not on a class I

    Well, not likely since the 1984 agreement all enginemen must come from the ranks of trainmen, by union contract.

    I am sure there are exceptions on smaller shortlines and regionals but after that agreement, trainmen and enginemen are not separate crafts, they are merged.

  2. Not likely at all.  The Unions these days will not allow people to be hired off the street for engineers.  It is very unsafe that way.  You really should work the ground first so they you get to know the territory.

  3. The last "off the street" hiring was done in the 70's, 'round these parts.

    If you are not already a railroad employee, your chances are slim, outside of a short line, perhaps.

    Railroads promote out of different crafts, but trainmen are usually considered first.

    So, it's pretty hard to get to sit on the right hand side, without having spent time seated on the left.

  4. yes i once applied for a job as a locomotive engineer for the South Shore Railroad on the freight side and was never a conductor and got the job.

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