
Is there anyway to make a profit out of a non-profit Organization?

by Guest60372  |  earlier

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I dont want to run a scam i just want to feed my family and help others at the same time. I wouldn't call it a non-profit organization as much...i would maybe call it some type of donation service...




  1. Non-profit organizations are still businesses.  They need to have a budget, and they need to earn more than they spend if they want to stay in business.  The employees are still paid a fair salary, and any surplus in the budget is carried over to the next year or invested in improving the organization.

    So non-profits DO make a profit, it's just that earning a profit and maximizing that profit is not the main goal.

  2. To qualify as a non-profit organization you HAVE to call it that.

    You can pay yourself, that is how many of them get into prison, they over pay themselves.

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