
Is there anyway to make yourself dream a certain dream?

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Please dont say "think about it before you go to sleep" because I have tried that a lot and it didn't work:[




  1. I pray really hard, and I get a dream kinda like it.

    Sometimes I want to dream of someone, and I dream of his best friend.


    It also affects my life cuz now I have a crush on my crush's best friend.

  2. Yeah, it's called Lucid Dreaming, when you are aware and in some cases, in control of your dreams. It is very difficult to achieve, I know this because I use it myself to suppress certain reoccuring nightmares. There are lots of tapes, CD's and mp3 recordings designed for you to listen to as you go to sleep that help you slip into this habit, but it seems to work on about half the people who try it. Personally I found them very helful.

    Look up Hemi-Sync. That's what I used.

    P.S: I have also heard that warm milk does wonders, I don't know why, but many people swear by it.

    Anyway if you google Lucid Dreaming you should get a lot of info on the subject.

  3. think about it  usually works but people say if you keep a dream log after a while you get more focoused and then when you actually do think about it you remember it more clearly and you can kinda control it

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