
Is there anyway to mount medals on Marine Corps Dress Blues yourself?

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I have about 36 hours until a funeral and do not have time to send them in and have them professionaly mounted. Any suggestions?




  1. You can do it yourself.  If you live near a base, there are places around there that will get them done for you.  You will pay more...but they can get them done in that much time.

  2. Yes, just follow the Regs... I never have mine sent out, I wouldn't trust my Appearence to any one but me. If you are unsure of the Order of Precedence, or the Regs, google the Order, and look at your Guidebook for the Regs, or go to the website, log-in, and it's available there.

    For a quick start...

    "5314. LARGE MEDALS

    1. Manner of Wearing. Large medals are worn on the service coat or jumper of Full Dress Blues and Full Dress White. When wearing more than one medal, suspend them from a holding bar that supports the medals' weight. Place the holding bar of the lowest row of medals in the same position as the lowest ribbon bar. The bars measure 4-1/8 inches wide, and each row of medals is 3-1/4 inches long from the top of the suspension ribbons to bottom of medals, so that bottom of medals dress in a horizontal line. Multiple rows of ribbons should be grouped with the same number of medals in each row, with the lesser number in the top row if necessary. You may wear a maximum of three medals side by side in a single row with no overlap. Arrange four or more medals (maximum of five in a single row) following the layout in Table 5-3-1. Overlapping shall be proportional and the inboard medal shall show in full. Mount the medals so they cover the suspension ribbons of the medals below.

    2. Arrangement. Arrange medals in order of precedence in rows from top down, inboard to outboard, within rows. Service members possessing more than five medals may either wear the five senior medals or all of them.


    1. Manner of Wearing. Wear miniature medals with all formal dress uniforms and dinner dress uniforms. Each row of miniatures is 2-1/4 inches long, from top of the suspension ribbons to bottom of medals, so the bottom of medals dress in a horizontal line. Position medals so they cover the suspension ribbons of the medals in the rows below. Male officers and CPO's, and E6 and below: on formal and dinner dress jackets, place the holding bar of the lowest row of miniature medals 3 inches below the notch, centered on the lapel, parallel to the deck (Figure 5-3-5). On blue and white service coats, center the holding bar 1/4 inch above the left breast pocket parallel to the deck (Figures 5-3-6 and 5-3-7). Female officers and CPO's and E6 and below: on formal dress or dinner dress jackets, place the holding bar in the same relative position as on the men's dinner dress jackets, down 1/3 the distance between the shoulder seam and coat hem (Figure 5-3-8). On blue and white coats, center the holding bar 1/4 inch above the left pocket flap parallel to the deck (Figure 5-3-9). E6 and Below: on jumper uniforms, men and women place the holding bar of the lowest ow of miniature medals 1/4 inch above the pocket parallel to the deck (Figure 5-3-10).

    2. Arrangement. Wear up to five miniature medals in a row with no overlap. Arrange six or more miniature medals following the layout in Table 5-3-1.

    a. Arrange medals in order of precedence in rows from top down, inboard to outboard, within rows. Those people possessing five or more medals may either wear the five senior medals or all of them. On the dinner dress jacket, center up to three miniature medals on the lapel. Position four or more miniatures starting at the inner edge of the lapel extending beyond the lapel on to the body of the jacket.

  3. yes!! I mount mine myself all the time! I've never had anyone else do them for me. If you don't know the order of pres. for your medals you can go on your MOL and print out the page that has your ribbons and medals on it. it'll be in the order you need to mount them.  Also, if you don't trust yourself doing them, or if you think you'll jack them up you can go on your base and take them to the dry cleaners, be really nice and they'll usually do it for you right there, probably take them 30 minutes max. I always do that when i need name tapes sewn on or fast alterations done.  Good luck!

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