
Is there anyway to prevent glaucoma?

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Okay my mother has glaucoma and my grandfather on my mothers side has glaucoma. I am the youngest of 4 kids and I wear glasses, but thats for an astigmatism and glasses run in my family anyway, but its just my mother and grandfather that has it that I know of. I'm worried cause I'm 17 and when I look at my mother I've noticed that she has it bad and I'm afraid for my future. I have asthma which runs in my family and probably got it from mother cause she has it, but my cousin and aunt has it. This situation is a bit complicated cause my aunts are half sisters as well as my mom. I'm just worried.

Is there anyway to prevent my risk now?

What are my chances of getting it?




  1. stop eating a lot of fat and greasy stuff, when it runs on your blood there´s not a lot left to do... =(  

  2. No way of preventing it. See your eye doctor (opthalmologist, not optometrist) regularly for monitoring. Family history increases your risks of developing glaucoma, but it is not necessary that you will develop this condition for sure if you do not already have it.  

  3. my grandmum had glaucoma, but if its treated early the complications of glaucoma can be prevented. In the UK, my mum has free eye tests because her mum actually went completely blind from it. If you have regular eye tests, you should not get anything bad from it at all.

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