
Is there anyway to push a discharge from the army

by  |  earlier

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My husband serves in the 82nd airbourne...he is a war veteran, and has been in the 82nd for going on three years now. Last year while still in Iraq he resigned. We was married in jan after he returned in october, ANYWAYS... as soon as we moved in together i noticed he had an odd sleeping pattern he would wake up constantly and would twitch non stop during the night, he would get the shakes and break out in sweats and would even fall off the bed and scream for everone to "take cover"...he would frequently wake up in the middle of the night and freak out b/c he couldnt remeber where he was or how he got there! He had a HORRIBLE way of covering his problems w/ alcohol and around the time of his fathers death((march)) i had just got him to stop drinking completely..needless to say things got worse. He would litterally just snap for no reason over the smallest things, and wouldnt remeber it later ((this definitly drove a wedge in between us)) around april I had had enough and convinced him to seak professional help. He did but it was hard to get to his sessions b/c of his job ((apparently they didnt see he despretly needed this help)) He had seen his therapist about a month and i found out i was expecting ((already a month along)) and I'm guess w/ the stress of the baby and everything else of him finally WANTING and knowing he needed to get help for his family he snapped he admitted himself into the ward where he stayed for weeks. to make a long story short this went on for about a month they would let him out and he would attempt suicide or his co would try to make him go to the field ((he was medicated and not allowed to be around weapons b/c he had threatened to hurt someone in higher rank)) After about the third time of gettin out the hospital and being on watch b/c he refused to go to the field ((and be around all these loaded weapons)) he was DEMOTED we lost $400 out of our pay!! now here i am preg and stressed b/c of it being high risk and my husband not being around, and there is no way to make ends meet w/ this pay and me not being able to work....

they are talking about yet ANOTHER demotion so another $450 gone out of our pay...i dont know how we are supposed to support our family, ive lost my car, there is no way for me to get medical help b/c we need more ins which we CANT afford I owe the hospitals about $600 for different tests and if something doesnt break we will loose his car and our house...ive talked to the co and everyone else they would let me speak to and they all say the same thing, christian is faking this so they wont help!

the lawyers ive talked to have said the 82nd have ways around EVERYTHING and Ive wrote richard burr and elizibeth dole and they havent taken now 4 months preg, and sadly my husband gets paid less than min wage for risking his life and his family everyday...

we need help....ASAP..if ANYONE has ANY advice id surely appricate it




  1. well if he not faking it than for one he need to get diagnosed with it in order to fight anything. Cause they can go and say that he lying but if he got proof than bam. So really he need to just do that and not even try and do anything else, its always about proof.  

  2. I'm sorry for your situation.  But nobody going into the military is going to make descent money unless they are in for 20+ years.  Your husband made his OWN choice to re-enlist and now you both have to deal with it.  He has to man up and finish his time.  There is always something he can do - such as cross train into an administrative field or something.  What he DOES'NT need to do is refuse to go into the field.  Wrong choice on his part and now you have to live with it.  You can't just decide to get discharged either - someone would need to find a medical reason or something for him to get out.  Best of luck.

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