
Is there anyway to stop a period for good?!?

by  |  earlier

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I started my period 7 years ago when i was 11, and no matter how long i live for i will NEVER EVER get used to them, they cause TOO much misery and pain.

Also its like im CONSTANTLY on my period because i come on around every 3-4 weeks, im EXTREMELY regular which means im on for 7 days, then after that i get 2 days of normalness, then a couple more days of a tiny period, then i get to relax for a week, then i get the symptoms and the stomach aches the next week, then the week after that YAY another period

its like i never get a break

i HATE them

its so painful that im curled up in bed crying and wishing i was dead cause i honestly cannot take the pain,

also they make me feel tired and run down,

my thighs and back aches

i get disgusting cravings but can't eat anything cause everything makes me sick, and on top of the tummy aches i get shooting pains down there and they're really heavy sometimes

i just want them to stop for good...

help? ='(


I know every woman goes through the same thing and its something we have to live with bla bla bla, and some women probably get it a lot worse than me, but maybe they are stronger than i am, i CAN'T deal with them anymore.




  1. get your ovaries removed.

  2. Go and see your doctor. S/he will be abe to give you some tablets to ease the pain and make the periods lighter

  3. get rid of your uterus. But that also means never to have a child. Also, no surgeon would remove it just because you want them to. It's unethical. Pills may decrease your menses but they will not stop it for good.  

  4. Talk to your doctor about it. The only way to stop it for good is to have an operation (stopping you ever having children). But there is probably something your doctor can give you or advise that will help you

  5. Birth control can greatly reduce them, and in some cases stop them, and the good thing about that is, not only do you not have to worry about getting pregnant, but no surgery to get major organs removed, and if you ever DO decide you want a child, you can just stop taking the pill, and conceive!

    Much better than having the main part that makes a woman a woman pulled out....

    That'd be kinda like a car without an engine.... or some other perhaps more appropriate metaphor...

    also, pill side effects can be LIGHT weight gain, OR loss.

    if it doesn't entirely get rid of your period, it's supposed to make it much much lighter.

  6. You need to go on the pill sweety.  Get one you can take continually so you dont get a period for months.  This will give you the rest you so seriously need.  Then after a few months you might like to just have a period every 2 or 3 months.  Thats what I used to do.  Until you are alot older and have made final decisions on babies etc.  it is not time to be getting a hysterectomy etc.

  7. For good might be a very long time. It might be possible to avoid your periods for very prolonged periods of time by using depot progesterone injections. 70% of women lose their periods entirely after 1 year on these.  

  8. if u get really REALLY fat then your periods your stuck between taking a pill that doesnt always work an injection that doesnt always work or being morbidly obese but u could always take a paracetamol for the pain. try lying flat on the floor it can stop cramps or stretch as far backwards as possible

  9. There are surgical procedures available. You might ask your physician who will know far more details.... benefits you already know, risks, I am not sure of.  

  10. k, well

    A. your question makes you sound suicidal which would be no good at all.

    B. Theyre there for good, sh*ty or not. The only way I know of to not have a period is to be rediulously skinny. I know a girl, with so little fat that she doesnt have a period. And no, i do NOT recomend trying to become that.

    Sry but besides birth control an what not to shorten it, your kind of out of luck =/

  11. well...from my opinion, maybe you've got to see a doctor, specialist one. cuz my sis used to have this kind of prob long time ago...and she have to scan. the scanning result was her reproductive organ was kind do i say...Little bit slanting and according to the doctor, the period would stuck in the slanting part causes the menstrual cycle to be like in your position. you know always don't have that break cuz it still comin'.... thank god my sis got ok now. but you can reduce the pain by pills, but for my suggestion no la...cuz if too much of it would gave some effects on u. that what my teacher said.....well depends on u what to do. i just have a suggestion and hopefully that u will getting a ok.

  12. hysterectomy.  If you can't stand period pains, you'd better never have a baby!

  13. i highly doubt surgery will be availbale at your age unless it means sacrificing family life.

    but there IS a type of contarceptive method called deppoprovera (sp?) that means injecting an hormone to stop ovulation. and as far as I know, it stops all signs of menstruations.

    but keep ni mind periods are good for your health

  14. Hysterectomy, but then you can't have children.

  15. Just go to the doctor and get a dep provera shot. This will permanently stop your period.It prevents pregnancy by stopping ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary).  It thickens the mucus around the cervix  preventing sperm from entering the cervix and alters the lining of the womb to inhibit implantation of the pregnancy.

  16. i asked this yesterday lol everyone said no, but thats bullocks but you need patience, the mini pill can stop it, as can the contraceptive injection, problem is when you start off on them they can cause more bleeding so it may drive you insane and you may not feel like taking it. i had one injection one year and it stopped my period for 3 years, tho thats not normal, when i tried it again four years later i didnt stop bleeding. i think you may need up to three injections if its not built up in your system. when i took it and it stoped for three years previously i had taken it and it stopped my period for one year...

    otherwise the mini pill stops it too. it did for me for years then some a*****e convinced me to stop taking it. now im on it again but wnt stop bleeding i am hoping i will soon tho ive taken it over a month now.

    I am wary of saying have an operation as you will end up having the menopause and i hear its a *****.

  17. how about doing mind over body thing? supposedly some monks cant feel the pain when they control the body.

  18. A lot of people think that this pill will stop them completely, but that's not true. If you take it then you'll have a period probably about three or four times a year instead of about twelve. It will keep your period under control but it has side effects like weight gain. I think you should go and see your doctor and he will recommend what's best for you. x

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